
Jul 19, 2008 08:14

I just finished watching what I believe to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen, Sahara. I had not heard a lot of fantastic things about the movie but I don't usually listen to critics anyway. Anyway, it was on cable and there was nothing else on so I watched it. Just awful. It was like a train wreck, too bad to watch but you couldn't turn away. I really wanted to like it but not go.
I don't follow politics very much, but one thing struck me as interesting the other day. Apparently one of McCains groupies got in trouble for calling America a bunch of whiners. Well, truth is, we are! As a nation we have a habit of blaming someone else for our troubles, and bitching, whining, suing, and complaining if our feelings get hurt.
I found a great little website the other day. A little girl in Oregon wanted to do something to help feed the animals at her local shelter so she set up the website www.freekibble.com. It is a bit like freerice.com, where you visit each day answer a question an kibble is donated. Anyway the site was plugging along when NBC nightly news did a story and then the Today show did another story and now the place is screaming with hits. Check it out
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