Apr 15, 2008 01:33
Well, I kinda stopped writing real quick didn't I? I had intended to write some the next night but unfortunetly we got really busy in a very bad way. The department I work for is trained to be first responders at the plant. Well, actually they teah us CPR and first aid in about 6 hours. Those courses are about 40-50 hour long courses that they cram into 6. Anyway, we were sitting in our conference room eating dinner when the plant page came on calling a medical emergency to the third floor fo the maintenence building--our building, our floor so we go running. Actually I stayed behind to field calls from the other techs. As it turned out a guy down the hall had a massive heart attack. Our guys were great, they gave him CPR until the paramedics arrived (about 30 min). However, it was just too severe and the guy was pronounced on the flight to the hospital. So that sucked really bad.
The next night we get another call to respond to the containment bldg. We respond to the guy and it appears it is just heat stress. The on site EMT tech takes over and we go about our business. I happen to be walking by the clinic later that night and they are loading the heat stress guy in an ambulance. WTF?! they thought he was having a stroke but it turns out that he jsut was having some blood pressure issues and he is now back at work. Holy crap man!
Anyway, so I have started to countdown to vacation already. Probably a little too soon but I am ready. I am in a bit of a quandry though. I am going to Seattle and Alaska. Seattle is a 3 1/2 day stop on the way to Alaska. I was originally thinking about taking a day and going up to Vancouver to the aquarium. I am kinda turned off to the idea of driving up there (gas, time at the border, getting lost...) so I was thinking about taking the train. Only $60 round trip and I could relax on the way up. Only problem is that I would only have about 5 hours in Vancouver before the last train left to go back to Seattle. Sooooo, now I am thinking that I might skip Vancouver all together and spend more time in Seattle since I want to do a lot there. I also feel like if I go to Vancouver and only have 5 hours I wonlt see enough of the aquarium much less the city. I do want to spend a lot of time there so I would just come back another time.
Any thoughts? Is VA worth the extra effort to go?
ANyway, gotta go and at least pretend I am working!