Feb 03, 2005 00:14
In the days coming and the days past i have done a lot of meditation and considering. You know it's really important that we don't take for granted the blessings in our lives. Our friends, our family, everything. Our faults and our fames. I was sitting down working on a song i'm composing in memory of my friend Matt Stuen, that left us a year from Friday, yesterday, and was working on the lyrics and just kinda took off. Before i knew it i was just belting out with tears in my eyes all the things i've had on my mind lately. It's amazing how stream of consciousness and passion can create something incredible. And of course i won't be able to repeat what i did, or how i felt in that moment, but i can try to find another moment to reach that higher mental and emotional plain. Maybe no one will ever want to hear my song, but i know Matt was listening to me, seeng my tears, seeing my focus, seeing my pain in all areas, and somehow when i was finished i hit the right chord to end on, got up, turned the keyboard off and walked away with complete and total peace. It was amazing. And since then i've felt this urge, and i've been having those crazy ass dreams again, like i did in the summer. It's like i can feel other people living, and it freaks me out but also empowers me in a way. Like, if i just sit silently in a room full of people and focus on the electric energy flowing back and forth in each persons words, i can somehow predict what they're going to say next. And lately i've been able to feel certain peoples presences. I can't explain it and it probabley sounds crazy. i dunno. I mean, like i was tlaking in class and with Dave about tonight, what if the world is made up of separate realities within each person, that works together to make up one large reality that is only a bunch of celluar functions. If that's true then it wouldn't be right for one person to accuse another of not facing reality, because what that person is facing and perceiving may be a completely different reality than someone else. Is experience Everything? And i've really been focusing on my spiritual life. I really believe, and have seen more and more every day, that every part of Nature has a soul and a spirit, whether it's a tree, or a blade of grass, i can feel every soul around me. And it gives me peace. Peace and tranquility are the ultimate goal in human existence. It's always been my strive, and now i feel like i'm closer than i've ever been. And no, despite what all of you probabley think at this moment, i'm not on Opium. lol. Just think about it though for a second. Really consider what i'm saying. There is a thin line between genius and insanity, and i will be the last to think or imply i'm a genius, but maybe a simple mind like mine can tap into the mind of geniuses... or maybe i'm just insane. But isn't insanity genius in it's own way too? A different perception beyond the common man, the difference of reality?