Aug 03, 2004 03:57
I'm going to bring up a controversial issue...And you're going to give a fairly short answer (since words are limited).Abortion:I personally would like to avoid such a scenario at all costs, but it happens, right or wrong, it happens. Pre-Marital Sex:Works for some. Young Marriage:It could work, but isn't anything I personally aim for. Gay Marriage:Why not? Feminism:For a large part, bullshit. Religion:I have chosen one for myself. War on Terrorism:Meh... Violence/ Nudity on TV:I could do without it, I don't pay it much mind anymore. Opting to omit "...under God..." from the Pledge:I don't think it should be omitted. Racism:Has it's place. Dress Codes:Have theirs as well, however, I currently only notice them being wrongly inforced where they needn't be. Underage Drinking:You live and you learn, and if you're really wild, you die. Drinking and Driving:Not a good mix. Legalization of Marijuana:Would change very little. Pirating of Music, Movies, Etc (i.e. MP3s):Cry me a river, if I respect an artist enough, I BUY their albums. Britney Spears (Guess a controversial issue in some form...):HAH, her? controversial? Fuck you. Janet Jackson's Eye- :What about it? Immigration:Has been misguided. Attack on U.S. Soil on 9/11:It was just coming, if not then, some other time, in some other mannor.