(no subject)

Feb 08, 2005 09:58

1. First Name: Jennifer
2. Were you named after anyone? no.
3. Do you wish on stars? no.
5. When did you last cry? exactly 37 minutes ago.
6. Do you like your handwriting? yes.
7. What is your favorite lunch meat? turkey.
8. Any bad habits? biting nails, expecting too much of people.
9. What is your most embarrassing CD on your shelf? none. i like the music i like.
10. If you were another person, would you be friends
with you? no.
11. Are you a daredevil? no.
12. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell? once.
13. Do looks matter? no.
14. Have you ever misused a word and it sounded
stupid? yes
15. How many people have you had sex with? 1
16. Do fish have feelings? since goldfish smile back until you bite their heads off, yes.
17. Are you trendy? no
18. How do you release anger? screaming into the telephone, punching and denting the walls, breaking two pictures, and ending it all with a panic attack.
19. Where are your second homes? no other places i can call home.
20. Do you trust others easily? no.
21. What was your favorite toy as a child? cranberry bear.
22. What class do you find totally useless? precalculus
23. If someone liked you and you found out, could you still be friends with them? yes.
24. Have you ever been on radio or television? yes.
25. Do you have a journal? yes.
26. Do you use sarcasm a lot? yes.
27. What's your last name? Nenoff.
28. What do you look for in a guy/girl?: whatever. it doesn't matter anymore.
29. Your nicknames? Jen, Jenny, Killer
30. Do you tell your friends everything? one, yes.
31. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? no.
32. What are you worried about right now? life.
33. Do you ever sneak out? no.
34. Do you think that you are strong? no.
35. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? vanilla.
36. What's your favorite color? gray
37. What is your least fav. thing in the world? not being able to trust someone.
39. How many pets do you have? six. two dogs (Riven and Toby), a cat (Jade), two lizards (Siva and Essek), and a horse (Charlie).
40. How many people have a crush on you right now? none.
41. Who do you miss most right now? no one.
42. Do you want everyone you send this to, to send it
back? whatever.
43. Have you ever tried to lick your elbow even once
someone told you that it's physically impossible? yes
44. Describe the perfect date: it doesn't matter because it will never happen.
45. Whats your favorite food? carrot cake
46. What was you first kiss like? quick.
47. For the last year whats the one thing you have been looking forward to? that Cody would be happy with me just the way i am. it hasn't happened yet.
48. What is your favorite soda? blue sky cream soda.
49. If you could be with anyone tonight who would it
be? Charlie.
50. Did you have fun filling this out? no.
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