(no subject)

May 02, 2006 23:28

so i have a lot on my mind right now.
with all this stupid shit at home, and work and school, then all the way in Mich, it is hard to act some what normal any more.

Im looking for a car right now, got to go to driving school over the summer.
Trying really fucking hard to get my grades up, not really working with my shit in codie's car and him not anwsering his phone.
it is also hard doing homework when you work 40 hours a week. and have your aunt and uncle breaking up then getting back together. then having your uncle say he is going to move out then say see how it goes.

im soo sick of everyone's drama. I try really hard not to cause my own but it is hard to act normal being all stressed out. i and 50 50 on the scholl being almost over. cuz that gives me less time to get grades up but yet it is all most done with thankful.

i have been saving up my money like a fucking mole rat hopefully i can get a car here pretty soon then get a better job becuase i now need to save up for College ( my first 2 years i have to pay all by my loness)
i pay the water bill here.
my own food
anything else i need( my aunt and uncle don't pay for shit anymore)
need a car
shit for my car(insureces, gas, ect.)
Drives Ed(245 bucks for that shit)

all this shit and im only 17
might as well be out on my own.
god damn.
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