.::Jumping on the band wagon::.

Jan 06, 2010 15:01

So, a lot of my HiH bbs are posting their nominations for HiH Superlatives [hogwartsishome in their journals. So....since I NEVER update my journal [I'll get better about this....maybe], I decided to use it as a reason to update XD

I was nominated for:
Gryffindor's pride (Favourite Gryffindor) - this one makes me smile so much!
Pirate Lion Award (person who embodies Gryffindor) - lol I got nominated for this, but have 0 votes XD
Fur and Stripes Award (biggest Gryffinpuff)
Best Fanartist - omg I'm so happy about this one too!
Sirius Black Award for Most Badass Member - this is awesome that I got nominated for this, but it makes me lol a little too XD
Filch Award - Biggest Neat Freak - lol this makes sense though; I have very OCD tendencies
Best Flourish Shop - yay! my shop is my baby so this one definitely makes me smile

This is so exciting for me. I didn't think I was well-known enough throughout our whole community. I haven't been here that long, so it's really exciting that I've managed to get that many nominations. Would I like to win some? Obviously XD but I'm so so excited about getting nominated. So thanks to everyone who nominated me, and those who have voted for me as well! ♥

nominations, hih, superlatives, yay

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