Jan 15, 2009 10:24
what up?
So whats my deal lately?...Things with life are mostly good I spose, Azn got me a sweet phone, its rhox! Its like a sidekick, but built sturdier, and with a lesser os. Touchscreen though, omg, I now understand what I was missing while I didn't have a full keyboard. >_< anyway...
Mr. Johnson moved from our theater to Randolph. Sucks because he was wicked awesome. Fortunately two managers had to be let go in Randolph, Johnson is getting me an app and background-check form. That'd be pretty sweet, get to work with somebody I look up to, and be on his level, plus who doesn't like having some extra food money. Only thing is, I'd have to get a certain amount to substantiate driving all the way out there because I am not moving for at least 2 years, fuck that.
In other news I shouldn't be trusted. I don't know why I do it, but I really like to get to the line between decency and douchebaggery. I didn't step over the line, but I came damn close to falling over it. I wish I could blame it on intoxication. :- / But the point I didn't so I still have a conscience. Devon and I hung out last night, she was gone to NY for 2 days, she seemed like she hadn't seen me in weeks; it was nice.
Still waiting for the third floor. Its getting closer to being finished. They pretty much finished the kitchen, bathroom, and need to do carpeting in the bedrooms and living room. Hope to be in my the end of next week. Month and a half past deadline... I'm so fighting first month rent upstairs. But I can't lie, the wait will most definitely be worth it.
I wanna play Starcraft, but I don't know where my cd case is so I don't have my key :'(
I'm grungy, time to shower.