Toryns insomnia stuffsss...

May 11, 2004 16:10

Sleep disorders
and insomnia

The following article gives information about insomnia and sleeping disorders.

The majority of people with sleeping disorders can overcome this difficulty. Lack of good sound sleep can greatly affect the quality of life itself.

As part of our regular newsletter there will be examples of successful alternative treatments.
Do you sometimes suffer from lack of sleep?
Many people suffer from sleeping disorders. Whether unable to fall asleep or to stay asleep and enjoy uninterrupted sleep, insomnia can be disruptive to a healthy life. Insomnia is difficult to define because everyone has different sleep requirements.

Ageing can bring with it sleeplessness. Emotional stress, worry or exhaustion can also contribute to an inability to get a good nights rest. Then there are also the physical aspects: excess caffeine, alcohol and drugs, pain, food allergies, sleeping in a stuffy room, all are factors which should be looked at as possible reasons for sleep problems.

Lemon Balm was seen in ancient times as the ultimate remedy for a troubled nervous system, today it is known as both a sedative and stomach soother. The sedative action is attributed largely to a group of chemicals in the plant called terpenes. These occur in lemon balm in a unique combination that has earned the plant its reputation. It can also be given to relieve anxiety and nervous tension. It is a very good herb to counteract sleep problems

As mentioned above, stress can play a part in insomnia. Valepotriates, the active ingredients of valerian root, have been shown to calm the central nervous system acting as a natural sedative. A natural stress reliever. In the United Kingdom, there are more than 80 over-the-counter sleep aids containing valerian. Why? Because it works!! Researchers conclude that the sedative effect of valerian comes from the actions of its many different constituents working in harmony with each other. Unlike other prescription medications, valerian is not considered habit forming.

It is worth realising as the names are similar and may lead to misconception, that Valium is not in any way derived from valerian and there is no connection between the two.

Camomile tea is well known for its relaxing, sleep-inducing properties that help to alleviate insomnia, headaches and anxiety. It has been used for centuries as a natural remedy to calm and soothe. It was however only recently that studies proved apigenin to be one of the effective sedative compounds present in camomile. Sleep disorders
and insomnia

The following article gives information about insomnia and sleeping disorders.

The majority of people with sleeping disorders can overcome this difficulty. Lack of good sound sleep can greatly affect the quality of life itself.

As part of our regular newsletter there will be examples of successful alternative treatments.
Do you sometimes suffer from lack of sleep?
Many people suffer from sleeping disorders. Whether unable to fall asleep or to stay asleep and enjoy uninterrupted sleep, insomnia can be disruptive to a healthy life. Insomnia is difficult to define because everyone has different sleep requirements.

Ageing can bring with it sleeplessness. Emotional stress, worry or exhaustion can also contribute to an inability to get a good nights rest. Then there are also the physical aspects: excess caffeine, alcohol and drugs, pain, food allergies, sleeping in a stuffy room, all are factors which should be looked at as possible reasons for sleep problems.

Lemon Balm was seen in ancient times as the ultimate remedy for a troubled nervous system, today it is known as both a sedative and stomach soother. The sedative action is attributed largely to a group of chemicals in the plant called terpenes. These occur in lemon balm in a unique combination that has earned the plant its reputation. It can also be given to relieve anxiety and nervous tension. It is a very good herb to counteract sleep problems

As mentioned above, stress can play a part in insomnia. Valepotriates, the active ingredients of valerian root, have been shown to calm the central nervous system acting as a natural sedative. A natural stress reliever. In the United Kingdom, there are more than 80 over-the-counter sleep aids containing valerian. Why? Because it works!! Researchers conclude that the sedative effect of valerian comes from the actions of its many different constituents working in harmony with each other. Unlike other prescription medications, valerian is not considered habit forming.

It is worth realising as the names are similar and may lead to misconception, that Valium is not in any way derived from valerian and there is no connection between the two.

Camomile tea is well known for its relaxing, sleep-inducing properties that help to alleviate insomnia, headaches and anxiety. It has been used for

Another way that stress can often be relieved is by taking a specially formulated combination of calcium and magnesium. This helps to relax the body and so aids restful sleep.

Copyright © 2002 P. Topham: U.S. Nutritional and Herbal Researcher - All Rights Reserved


Foods high in tryptophan, magnesium, and thiamin (vitamin B1) may help to induce sleep. A glass of warm milk with honey, along with a snack of almonds or turkey at bedtime, will make you feel sleepy due to their tryptophan content, which raises levels of serotonin in the brain.
We believe that it's possible to manage and/or improve certain conditions through what you eat. When we create "Mega-Recipes" for an ailment, we strive to include the maximum number of the nutrients that are shown to have benefit for that ailment. We also expect the Mega-Recipe to contain at least 25% of recommended intakes for those nutrients. See the list of recipes that have met our criteria for this ailment.

What You Should Eat & Why

thiamin (vitamin B1)
Thiamin helps convert carbohydrates in food into energy, and it also promotes healthy nerves and enhances mood. Low levels of thiamin have been found in people who suffer from insomnia.
Leading Food Sources of thiamin (vitamin B1): Asparagus, Avocados, Barley, Soy milk, Oats, Rice, white, Wheat, Pasta, wheat, Pork, fresh, Salmon, Brazil nuts, Tuna, Sunflower seeds, Mussels

Use Serenite if You:
  • Can't fall asleep at night
  • Suffer from stress which keeps you awake
  • Have difficulty "switching off '' at the end of a busy day
  • Cannot concentrate
  • Continually wake up in the middle of the night or early morning
  • Have stubborn sleep problems or insomnia related to depression
    100% Safe, Proven and Totally Effective

Serenite is formulated for adults. For babies and children under 12 years of age see our Serenite Jr. formula

see bottom of page to purchase this product

It is estimated that over 35 million Americans suffer from some sort of insomnia.

While we all have occasional nights when we struggle to fall asleep, nothing can describe the frustration of struggling to go to sleep night after night!

Medical science recognizes the strong association between good health and good quality sleep.

Unfortunately, due to lack of understanding and limited time, many conventional doctors do not take the time to investigate what the cause of a sleep disturbance might be and simply write out a prescription and send the patient on his or her way.

What is insomnia?

Insomnia, or the inability to fall or remain asleep can take many different forms and has multiple causes.

Some people struggle to fall asleep at night (initial insomnia), while others wake in the middle of the night for no particular reason and struggle to fall asleep again (middle insomnia).

Many people suffering from depression find themselves awake in the early hours of the morning, long before they need to get up (terminal insomnia). Insomnia may also be chronic (nearly every night) or intermittent (occasional insomnia).

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What causes insomnia?

There are many potential causes of insomnia, including sleep apnea, snoring, bladder or prostate problems, stress or depression.

People who are over 60 years old and women going through the menopause are more prone to insomnia, probably due to decreased levels of melatonin in the brain.

Other causes of insomnia include 'restless legs' syndrome, magnesium or iron deficiency, hormonal imbalance, shift work and excessive consumption of caffeine or other stimulants.

Insomnia is also a side effect of some prescription anti-depressant medication.

In order to understand the causes of true insomnia, we need to have a look at how the sleep cycle works.

The amino acid L-tryptophan (found naturally in certain foods) is used in the manufacture of a neurotransmitter called serotonin.

Serotonin, in turn, is transformed into melatonin by the pineal gland in the brain. The pineal gland only becomes active after dark. By regulating levels of melatonin, our bodies create the 'sleep-wake cycle'.

Of course the process is more complex than this and there are other things that could contribute to sleep problems. However, sufficient production of serotonin and melatonin is crucial in promoting and maintaining healthy sleep.

What is the best way to treat insomnia?

Because of limited time and lack of understanding of the natural sleep cycle, many conventional doctors prescribe strong sleeping tablets for insomnia like Diazepam (Valium), Lorazapam, Alprazolam, etc.

These can be highly addictive and if used for more than a week or two can result in a lifetime of dependence. Using strong drugs to fall asleep often means that the body's natural sleep cycle is disturbed and the ability to fall asleep naturally is lost.

The person often needs to take stronger and stronger medication in order to fall asleep at night. Grogginess in the morning is not uncommon.

Restoring Healthy Sleep the Natural Way

Naturopaths recognize that sleep is like a barometer. When someone consistently struggles to sleep, this is a sign that something is wrong and needs to be investigated.

Perhaps there are problems at work or in a relationship. Perhaps there is a depression that needs to be treated. Maybe there is a serotonin or a magnesium deficiency which needs attention. Maybe there is another condition which is causing the sleep problem.

Simply taking strong drugs to fall asleep is not enough and can further complicate the picture.

The first step, therefore, is always to ask what is causing the insomnia and try and correct this so that a healthy sleep pattern can be re-established.

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How Will Serenite Help?

Occasional Insomnia

Some people suffer from occasional insomnia caused by stress or an overactive mind. This can be very distressing while you struggle to 'switch off' and fall asleep, knowing that you have to wake up and function in a couple of hours.

Sometimes occasional insomnia becomes so bad, that it can develop into chronic insomnia due to the association between bed and stress.

There are many herbs which can induce deep relaxation naturally, thereby helping you to drift off to sleep without strong drugs and preventing the development of more chronic insomnia.

Serenite Sleep Drops or Capsules contain carefully selected herbs which have been used for centuries to promote relaxation and induce a state of drowsiness. If occasional sleep difficulties are your problem, Serenite is a proven, 100% safe, non-addictive alternative to prescription sleeping pills.

Serenite's herbal ingredients provide extraordinary calming properties and act as a tonic for the nervous system, helping you to get a full night's sleep, awakening refreshed and revitalized.

Chronic Insomnia

Occasional insomnia is bad enough! When insomnia becomes chronic and you find yourself struggling to fall asleep every night, then something additional is needed to help you to restore healthy sleeping patterns.

Especially if you wake in the middle of the night or early in the morning and struggle to fall asleep again, it is possible that your serotonin or melatonin levels are inadequate.

Research has shown that chronic insomnia is often linked to low levels of serotonin in the brain. As indicated above, melatonin, the sleep hormone, is manufactured directly from serotonin.

Low levels of serotonin, therefore mean that not enough melatonin will be produced by the pineal gland, thus causing insomnia.

MindSoothe is a 100% herbal remedy containing St John's Wort and Passiflora in therapeutic dosage.

MindSoothe has been especially formulated by our resident Clinical Psychologist to safely and effectively combat the symptoms of depression and insomnia, without the harmful side effects and risk of addiction associated with some prescription medicines.

Won't a prescription anti-depressant do the same job?

Of course this is your choice and can be discussed with your doctor. However, remember that insomnia may be a side effect of some of the prescription anti-depressants. Furthermore, clinical trials have suggested that St John's Wort, one of the ingredients of MindSoothe, is just as effective as many of the major prescription anti-depressants, but has far fewer undesirable side effects.

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What about other herbal products like Valerian and L-tryptophan?

Valerian is a herb which is often used for insomnia and it can be very effective. However, we prefer not to make use of Valerian in our remedies. Most experienced naturopaths are aware of the fact that continued use of Valerian can worsen or cause depression.

L-triptophan is not a herbal product. As mentioned above L-triptophan is a chemical which is natural found in some foods. It is used by the body to manufacture serotonin and melatonin. That is why L-triptophan has been used as an aid to sleep and a treatment for depression.

In the 1980's there was a serious problem of contamination of L-triptophan. This caused over 40 deaths and more than 2000 people developed a disabling muscle disorder called eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome (EMS). Although it is asserted that the problem was temporary and has now been resolved, at Native Remedies we care for your health and would not like to take a similar risk!

What about Melatonin?

Because melatonin is a naturally occurring substance in the body and is directly responsible for inducing sleep, it can be a very effective aid in the treatment of insomnia.

However, melatonin is either synthetic (called pharmaceutical melatonin) and therefore not a natural remedy - or it is directly derived from animal sources, which carries the risk of contamination. It is not always clear what the source is of the melatonin sold in health stores.

There has also not been sufficient research on the long term effects of taking additional melatonin. There are suggestions that regular use could suppress the body's own production of melatonin, causing a chronic sleep problem or that taking additional melatonin can have a negative effect on the immune system, particularly in people who are prone to auto-immune illnesses like arthritis, lupus, MS, etc.

The amount of melatonin found in sleep and depression remedies is many times the amount needed for healthy sleep and no one really knows what the effects could be in the long term.

Serenite and MindSoothe

Our Policy at Native Remedies is to introduce as few foreign chemicals into the body as possible, especially those that have not been adequately researched and, as far as possible, to use herbs which have been tried and tested, clinically and traditionally, to be both highly effective and safe.

During times of stress and emotional upset, the body uses more serotonin than it can produce. Without adding anything artificial to the body, MindSoothe stops the over metabolism of serotonin, allowing it to naturally return to optimum levels for healthy melatonin production.

Taken over a 3 - 5 week period, MindSoothe will therefore restore normal sleep patterns. While MindSoothe is taking effect, we recommend Serenite capsules or drops, which can then be discontinued after MindSoothe has balanced serotonin levels.

Many people have found that their sleep problems disappear completely after a course of MindSoothe combined with Serenite and that they are able to once again fall asleep and stay asleep without the use of any medication at all.

Is there anything else I can do to promote healthy sleep?

Of course there is! Native Remedies promotes the development of healthy habits and a lifestyle aimed at optimal health, happiness and body functioning.

Here are some suggestions:

1. If you have problems in your work, your relationships or even rooted in your childhood, it is important that any intervention include counseling to help you to make the changes necessary to help you to sleep well again. Consult our Clinical Psychologist for an initial assessment. After completing an easy questionnaire, she will be able to make recommendations as to the best way to treat your insomnia.

2. Make sure that you have regular exercise (inactivity is often one of the causes of insomnia), a healthy diet and regular bedtimes

4. Avoid stimulants like coffee or tea at least 4 hours before bedtime

5. Take a good multi-vitamin which includes magnesium and iron

6. Women going through the menopause often suffer from insomnia. If this applies to you, a course of MellowPause is recommended to promote female reproductive health and reduce the unpleasant side effects of menopause naturally and without artificial hormonal replacement therapy (HRT)

(Some Useful Insomnia Information.)

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How has Serenite helped others?

"If there is anyone out there that is suffering from insomnia like I have been for years, I'd like to help them. Please read this. I've never been a very good sleeper. For the past 2 years, I have been going through a very stressful time in my life, which has affected my sleeping problems even more than before. A year and a half ago, my Dr. prescribed Ambien to help me sleep. It helped me sleep, but also created more complications for me .I couldn't get out of bed in the morning, and when I finally did, I felt so groggy, I had no energy or focus, throughout the whole day, everyday. I was convinced that nothing could help, nothing would help. I tried everything. I came across Native Remedies website and saw they offered Serenite, an all natural sleeping aid. I thought I'd try this too. I started taking it, and when I did, each night got a little better for me. Within the first week I started taking it, I slept the whole night for the first time in a long time--years. I wake up in the morning, ready to get out of bed, I feel rested, I have my energy and my focus back. I feel great, better than I have in a long time. Anyone out there that is having trouble sleeping, I highly recommend taking Serenite." -William, North Carolina .

"I have been taking Serenite with great success since late March, 2003. Prior to this, I had taken Halcion, Ambien and several OTC drugs. Serenite has helped me tremendously. I am very grateful I stumbled onto the Native Remedies Web Page, this product has made a major difference in my sleep habits. Thank you for your help." - Sandy, USA

"Just wanted to tell you how pleased I am with the Serenite. It works GREAT....I have been sleeping a lot better, not groggy in the morning and no unpleasant dreams, as I have experienced with other sleep aids. Also feel more alert, probably due to catching up on some MUCH needed sleep. I will be re-ordering and passing along this info to other insomniacs that I know. BFN, Geraldine Have a greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat day!!!!" - Geraldine, Canada

"I had a nasty accident 28 years ago, and for the last year have been suffering immensely from a delayed reaction causing severe back aches. I was, amongst other drugs, given alprazolam and other sleeping pills. These had some adverse reactions on me, so I was happy to learn of Serenite which i have now been using for the last four months. I feel a lot better and happier due to Serenite, as well as other products I have used from Thank you." - Vino, Texas, USA

(More Testimonials...)

Serenite contains the following herbs:

Lavendula Augustifolia, Melissa Officinalis, Passiflora Incarnata, and Humulus Lupulus (more details on ingredients).

How do I use Serenite?

Dosage (capsules): Take two capsules 5 minutes before bedtime.

Dosage (drops): 10 - 15 drops in a little water 5 minutes before bedtime.

If necessary, Serenite can be taken together with MindSoothe or Becalm.

For babies and children under 12 years of age see our Serenite Jr. formula

How long until I see results?

Liquid - a feeling of drowsiness and relaxation will be noted within about 5 - 10 minutes.

Capsules - about 15 to 20 minutes.

How long will a bottle last?

One bottle of Serenite will last 30 days. A 90-day supply (see the Buy 2 Get 1 FREE special below) would be three bottles.

Proven Natural Remedy and Information for Insomnia, Sleeping Disorders, Sleep Deprivation Symptoms, without the Side Effects of Trazodone, Ambien Pills
Serenite is developed with care by our practicing Clinical Psychologist, is 100% natural, safe, and manufactured according to the highest pharmaceutical standards. Individual ingredients are well-researched and have been put to the test over the years as a complement to the treatment of real people with real problems.

Serenite is backed by our 60 day money-back guarantee so you can experience a gentle and relaxing good night's sleep risk-free.

To order online using our secure server please select from options below. Orders are shipped the same day.

Added Bonus! - Order now and get access to FREE downloads of Native Remedies' ebooklets. A link will be provided to you upon completion of your order.

(Normal Retail Price - $31.95)
Your Price - $23.95 + Shipping
International customers - We ship anywhere in the world (UK, Australia, Japan etc) within
4-6 days! View the cost in your currency
Normal Shipping within the U.S.A. is $5.99 for the first item and only $1 additional per extra item. To see all shipping options (overnight, international) see our shipping policy

Capsules (60)                        Drops (50ml)



($47.90 + Shipping)                                     ($47.90 + Shipping)

Or, call our Toll Free line at 1-877-289-1235 where our friendly customer support representatives will take your order.

People who purchased this product have also purchased:

Becalm - Relieves anxiety and panic attacks

MindSoothe - Relieves depression and anxiety
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I hope all that helps ya.

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