[And unfortunately no matter how much Yuber finds the idea of attacking a weaponless child to be utterly tedious, the fact that this transformation making him angry and he was already feeling rather in need of nourishment that can only be provided by directly attacking a few humans.
Frey will definitely recognize the swords that suddenly appear, though compared to Nu's size, they are rather long and unwieldy. But that isn't going to stop the demon from attempting to stab the prone little girl.]
[And with the fact that this little girl can recognize his swords, that tells right away that he knows who this girl really is.] It took rather long for such a pathetic little brain to figure it out.
[And he will be so following, though not quite as speedy as he normally is due to smaller legs and all.]
in a overlarge shirt and pants that keep tripping them up. Oh why does this keep happening.]
And he's going to see if he can find some decent pants on a lower shelf. Stupid high shelves and Nu being so short.]
Just about... Got it-AH! [Falling.
And taking the shelves entire contents with her in a pseudo avalanche.]
And not only is it covered in flowers, it's pink. A very bright and blinding pink at that.
He'll be removing that shirt quickly and tossing it over in Frey's direction.]
Are you ok? [Checking the shirt absently- still looks to big.]
I'm sure it would look far more tolerable if it were drenched in some human blood.
At those words, though, he freezes.] ...What?
I'm sure you heard me just fine. But then the screams of a child would be far too tedious to listen to.
He's weaponless and a 10 year old girl, this isn't good.]
Tripping. On the pants that have been giving him trouble all day.
Frey will definitely recognize the swords that suddenly appear, though compared to Nu's size, they are rather long and unwieldy. But that isn't going to stop the demon from attempting to stab the prone little girl.]
[Rolling out of the way and attempting to dash behind a shelf. Lucky enough for Frey, his reaction time isn't as ruined by this as it could be.]
[And he will be so following, though not quite as speedy as he normally is due to smaller legs and all.]
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