Aug 28, 2005 17:56
Today was wa busey day.
We didnt go to church lol cuz I was the only one up in time to go and I didnt wake anyone up cuz i.."forgot" so we didnt go.
My dad got up and made me and my sis help him load up tree limbs to take to our other prop and burn oneday and so were going to have a big bomb fire and ride our 4wheelers soon woop de doo.
Anyway then me and my dad went groshrey man my mom met us when we were like almost done. When me and my dad shop we buy EVERYTHING its so weird. Its not that we mean too. when me and my mom shop our bills 150 but when me and my dad shop its 250. heh so yeah
Then we came home and I made some PUDDING!!! and then I drove us to circuit city to get a thingi so I can get the net in my room.
I drove to circuit city..haha scary I kno. I had to drive on the interstate and it was the 1st time ive done it. It wasent bad...I just cant swich lanes well.
MTV movie awards come on tonight lol and like the loser I am Im gunna watch em.
So yeah Imma go watch the pre show now like a losea and play with yo mamma and yo dadda and the other one.
OH YEAH i got for a MRI tomorrow. Hopefually they will find whats wrong with my knee and fix it be4 soccer starts so I can play this year.