Nov 05, 2004 11:40
this is an email i sent to michael moore
i voted for kerry but i do not hate bush or republicans...i am not religious but i do not hate people that are religious...but you sir are a hate monger of the worst sort. you use tragedy and other peoples suffering to further your agenda and to line your pockets. the things that you say only divide this country...and the worse thing is you don't even tell the truth. your a liar and you have serious problems with who you are...a big fat white man. to make statements such as that if it were black people on the planes on 9/11 that they would have never let them be taken over is not only extremely stupid but an insult to everyone on board those planes that died that day. you sir have never told the truth in any of your so called "documentry" films. i watched BFC and was appalled at the double speak and ignorance of basic facts that i saw in that poor excuse for a documentry film...i would not watch Farenshite 9/11 as i don't waste my time watching was much nicer seeing you blown up in 'Team America'
educted people know you for what you are...a blowhard wanna be political player who cannot tell the truth to save your life. your pandering to minorities and foreigners just proves what you are...a guilty white man who needs to realize that it will take everyone that lives here to make this country great including conservatives, as not all republicans are religious fanatics. everyone needs to be held accountable including you and your ilk. to spread hate like you do is a diservice to you and everyone else that is poisoned by your rhetoric.
your comments concerning the war in iraq and your use of dead soldiers images and names to push your agenda is not only morally wrong but is also in extremely bad taste. this is not a drafted army...some of these soldiers actually wanted to be in service of their country. that they died is a tragedy and they should be mourned but not used as pawns in your sick political game. you are at best a bad filmmaker and yet you see yourself as some type of champion for "the little guy" well sir i am a "little guy" and i do not want someone like you speaking for me. your comments concerning the iraqi "freedom fighters, minutemen and revolutionaries" and stating that they will win only gives aid and comfort to the enemy and actually CAUSES more american casualties!!! in my opinion you are very close to treasonous actions against this country. this country which allows you to spew lies and misguided statements and to become extremely rich in the process!!! what a country!!!
in closing sir i know you will not even get to read this as it doesn't fit in with your warped agenda but i am going to post this far and wide so that maybe one person will read this and realize what an asshole you are.
michael caughlin