elbow update...

May 28, 2005 10:06

well my elbow has 2 fractures but i'm not in any pain and i can actually play guitar (at least with my students, nothing heavy ) i figure by next week i'll be able to jam with my band. my wrist is still sore but i guess i was lucky that in the fall i didnt land on just one area of my right arm but the whole forearm...from the base of my hand to my elbow which spread out the shock and hurt everything alittle, nothing major. my emergency room bill is 940 dollars but frankly its worth it as i got a splint and a sling and around 8 x-rays taken. i am really lucky it wasnt more serious as i could not have afforded anymore treatment. as it is they wanted me to see a specialist but that would have ended up costing alot of money so i'm going to pass. i am going to look into health insurance at this time as i'm getting older and shit is going to happen whether i like it or not.

in other news i got a dell laptop a few weeks ago and i'm using it at work and its actually pretty cool. i am a long time apple user (18 years) so this was a major life change for me but i am slowly figuring it out. windows xp is alright...its no os-x but its not bad. i'm going to check out a minidisc player i saw on craigslist today so that will be another tool i can use as a musician.

my old friend stash has been staying with me for the past week and so far that has been going ok...hes been clean (no heroin) since he came back from la and it would be great if he stayed that way. hes an extremely talented singer and guitarist and it would be great if he was able to do something with it instead of throwing it away. drugs like heroin and cocaine are so stupid. (long time coke head here...clean since jan 28th 1998) they just waste your time and do not enlighten at all. at least pot opens your mind up...alcohol is another extremely dumb drug (when taken in excess) my god if i could have the time and money back i've wasted getting drunk and all coked up. i guess there is a reason they call it getting "wasted"

ok i'm an old man now so i've had my fun and now i have to tell everyone not to have that kind of fun...lame i know...but i do have experience and if i could go back in time i would cut out 90% of my drinking and 100% of my coke use...well 99% there was a time in the 70s i did blow and it tasted like chocolate...that was pretty cool...ok time to finish getting ready for work.
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