(no subject)

Dec 15, 2009 00:15

I'm an arsehole, YEAH. I don't think my self from a couple of years ago would listen to my self now. I'm not sure though. Holly and I were talking this afternoon, wondering how people don't come to these realisations sooner. I think that you have to build up to it, as different information and influences all slot together. You can't just SHOUT INFORMATION at somebody until they change their mind (even if you're right); they have to come to the realisation on their own. But that doesn't mean you can't hang around, providing unbiased facts...unbiased? Oooh yeah.

Anyhow. Here are the portraits of my Dad and Grandpa I liked.

I've had a pretty good day today, considering that I have been AT WORK for a few days straight. I am very, very motivated to never have a job in retail ever again. And this is WATERSTONES! It is like the BEST retail job I could ask for, with the shelving books and giving people advice on their purchases and randomly saying 'the relationships and emotions are nuanced without giving way to melodrama' when someone brings an Ishiguro book to the till, totally confusing them. YES, I studied literature, dammit. We're supposed to say 'What a lovely choice' or 'Such a beautiful book!' when they bring their purchases to the till. Most of the time I stick with that, 'til they come up with Gaiman or something I have read. Instead of doing that anymore (I won't get the change to after January anyway) I am going to make money from the internet, like all the cool kid are doing, and then get paid to be a vegan who travels. OH YES.

I'm going to Paris and Barcelona and Cordoba and Madrid in February and I cannot wait and hopefully I will get my website begun before that and hopefully I can make some money quick because after February I will be BROKE and will have to get a job in a pub or something.

I graduated by the way. Nearly a month ago now. One day, I'm going to have a PhD. One day, I'm going to have a successful website making me money. One day, I'm going to be able to up and leave from wherever I am and go whevever I like and work from all over the world and my work will hardly be work because I will be doing that which I enjoy. I'm thinking of putting together a collection of short stories of mine for publication. Just got to write them. Ain't that always the way?


am arsehole, need to travel now plz, got qualifications yo

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