fucking lj just deleted my entry. I hate it. it took me about an hour to write and really wasn't that bad.
well, this was the mother of all updates, but it how be a little shorter.
I've been doing a lot of pub-crawling, bbq-ing and pubcrawling.
one of the first ones was celebrate miss tasha's birthday, in super-hero style. I was dressed up as poison ivy and claire a 'flower-gun-user' and finally got to go to the corrie-tap for the first time (home of exhibiton cider) and we drank a lot, alcohol was cheap and free-flowing. Ended up in the epi where Jez works1
1 - this would be a subnote. Jez is a guy who i used to really like. he was vice president of AASS, passionate about politics and the environment, we share a ridiulously similar taste in music ( Muse-love, manics, KINESIS, all grungey, arty, rocky, love) and he bares more than a passing resembelence to my future husnad, matt bellamy (
cinnamon_sakaki and fay will appreciate this). unfortuantely he is also, probably from copious conquests and being in a band, a bit of an arrogant bastard. the head bit. well, we went on a *date* around the time I first met claire, but tbh it was fun but I was still a bit obsessed with claire (haha puppy love) lisa - are you taking pink-hair girl to the ball? me - um...we haven't even met up yet....
I'm giggling at the bar with sian, my best friend's new girlie and new aass VP and she goes 'I used to shag Jez, and i think I'd like again.'! haha. we;re both drunk and this leads to Sian trying to organise some kind of foursome with me, jez, her and claire. AND she goes and asks him and hes ok with it. I thought it was all a bit of a joke. Later on in the eveing Sian also tried to get me to have a threesome with her and jez, her and claire, then just me and her. she has apparently 'always fancied me' . i know for a fact she's only met me twice and I am about twice the size of her.
the next week, on the AASS pub crawl with Jez:
me - I heard sian was talking to you on the pub-crawl last week?
him - she was?
me - yeah, she was very drunk
him - I don't know
me - hmm
-pause for thought-
me - well, i heard she was saying something to you about a threesome?
him - I thought it was a foursome! is that not happening anymore?
following this we hung out in a manorite room where I drank scotch, Grappa and apricot brandy straight from the bottle in applause-winning gulps. I really like this new group of friends, theyre really laid back about sex, drugs, music, drinking etc. and so funny. memo to me - don't drink from a bottle with a hand-written label. I don't remember much of what happened afterwards excpt I have bites on my neck and I fell off the bed. i remember a philosopher saying that it wouldnt matter to him if he felt the worst pain ever if he didnt remember it. the same probably applies to sex. pah.
we had the rock-soc picnic and pubcrawl. £200s worth of food and booze, lots of people showed up, generally good fun! I enjoyed them.
I love crisp sandwiches. and diet mayonaise.
and yeah, I do love
Rock-soc. even if I do act like an immature little spac whenever I'm there. you WILL respect my authority. so, stop laughing at me!
went to Gil's rather empty party. something about gil really annoys people. he's not exactly popular. Will and I drank on behalf of missing members. some drunk guys showed up:
us - are you jewish
guy - yeah
tess - have you had a brit millah (circumcision)
him - yeah, i'm just going inside to get one!
then there was the less positive part of the week where, under severe alcoholic influence claire was asking me some questions whilst we were gaying it down at the shilling/vibes/both. I mean, honesty and openess is important. U'm not good at it, but I guess it's essential so I'm not going to lie. at the same time I'm, not going to voluntarily say things that, hopwever true, are a bit hurtful. well, she was asking me what I'd done with other guys (yeah you know, a bit of a sore spot with me), stories which are more embaressing than erotic! but i don't mind her knowing. even if it does make me feel a bit stupid. but she was asking me about me with other guys, and at stay beautiful (under severe alcohol again i was being quite friendly with a few of my friends) it low-and-behold, drunken confession time. I don't need pointing out that i feel guilty. for fuck sake, Jo tell me all the time! and if you're a close friend you know all about it and how awful i felt. and I felt really bad. gushing with tears, i really thought I'd fucked everything up and she was gonna leave me and for a moment that was the scariest prospect ever. i felt disgusting, it triggers old urges that i try to keep dormant. I slept curled up scratching at my arms. I wish i didn't fuck everything up.
we spent the next day together, picnicing and hanging out and that was probably best. i still felt bad but in a way we were closer. fuck fuck fuck i feel bad just writing this down.
In the evening we went to the bierkeller to interview
CLIENT the article is
entrails_zine , we hung out backstage with them as they changed (new bassist emily strange, if you're a london glamourite you probably know her, is lovely) threw bras at eachother and chatting out fetish, electro, adam ant, running a club and prescription drugs (we cut that bit for publication). its for a magazine im the editor of atm (YEAHYEAH you know I've always wanted a zine. well, I kinda have one now!!), let me know if you want a copy. it features this issue: Client, Bif Naked, Download, AFI and DDolls reviews, album reviews, fetish and general stuff only I find funny. it's my baby. if you wanna write anything for it let me know, or send me artwork.
on saturday it was the goldney ball. this is a BIG student summer event, very glam very flash. I was dressed up zebra style in a black and white dress, zebra nails and bag. We drank absinthe and poteen (when I said we you know I meant ME) and danced to the scratch perverts and the jazz bands. drank liquer coffee, chatted to loads of lovely people, watched fire displays, posed, all sorts. and ruth gave me some kangeroos we Claire and I were pretty wired (yes i am a bad girlfriend and I pressure my lady into taking drugs after she specifically said she WOULDN'T do pills, oopsy) it was great, we weren't tired and we felt chatty and sociable. which was great for claire who can get a little shy with my friends. rosie was confused, she said afterwards we seemed confusingly 'wide-eyed'. but who wouldn't want to have more energy, its like pouring glitter in your veins? and it doesnt make you feel hungry. oops there go my morals. say hi to them if you catch them on the road.
at the end of the night we were too high to sleep so we ran around hall in our pjs, hid in the tumble dryers and climbed all over tv room chairs. crazy. and accosted a young man in the laundry room.
The next few days were filled with magazine stress. I've had to do so much work on that bloody thing. typing, formatting, so much. the client interview was 10 pages of a4, it could have filled the entire magazine! |I had to cut that, chase people up, ugh. not to mention the entire format fucking up alond with my computer. after over 4 hours spent in the UBU print shop I cracked, burst into tears and had to resort to.....ugh.....calling my mum. a real last resort. and even she couldn't help. it was turning into a nightmare.
Taylor fixed it for me so i shall never say a bad word about him ever again. unfortunately the print shop staff buggered off on wednesday so the magazine wasnt printed in time for the event. i wanted to cry again but settled for eating a jacket potato. eventually got it ready for thursday,a bit too late. its a limited edition issue, only 30 copies. we'll re-use the articles next year. still, I put out a magazine!
went to the doctors. he says my blood cells are too small, dont have enough heamoglobin and there arent enough of them. oopsy. also, spinage is apparently not the answer to all my problems . bugger. spinage rocks my socks. we want me to go back into therapy. i said nay. I feel very self-aware and I realyl can't be arsed. I don't want CBT, how about a bottle of tequila with a tapeworm in it. I've been feeling obese recently. ugh. fat fat yuck. there, rant over. i am just a little bit shallow.
we stole a dyke-mag from the hospital and giggled over it. but it didnt teach me anything I didn't already know.
I spent a day in the shop working the medical floor. it's my favourite floor, science covers the walls.
books I long for -
all steven pinker
all robert winston
the forensic handbook
abnormal psych textbooks
book of consciousness
guide to recreational drugs
toxic psychiatry
various books on the mind
all drug/addicition books
books on abuse
psychiatric textbooks
psychoactive drugs textbooks
does anything eat wasps? + more pop.sci
nature via nurture
oh for a spree. I am a geek. I read up on lsd and aphetamines. I want some shrooms NOW. Court owes me some pills that work too, the others had fa effect. oh me oh my. I also read some feminist ranting about 'raunch culture' oops i am a little product of this:
learn to pole-dance
pasties and corsets
yeah, I love raunch culture but it is apparently anti-feminist and proves that I'm happy to be an enslaved sex-object. oopsy daisy.
yesterday I got a tattoo. it's a bright emerald and electric blue butterfly on my hip, quite big. photos soon. it does hurt but not that bad. i'll write more about it in next entry with the pictire. love it.
in other news : maybe Kate isn't so fit after all, jen has a new boytoy who looks like her, we're going to kaula lumpa, I'm back home, roskilde flights on monday, stuff in just peachy