Still Alive

Nov 23, 2013 09:26

It's come to my attention that I kind of dropped off LJ at such a time that some people may think I died. So....I did not. I have since had to have an ICD/Pacemaker implanted, it went well, and my last Cardiologist visit I found out my heart has gotten significantly better when I was told I would never get better. I still have a ways to go yet, but I feel like a normal person. Everything's good. :) Isabelle is over 1 years old now and she's growing fast. She's my little chubbers! She is silly, she's been saying a couple full sentences and walking since 11 months old. Breastfeeding is still going strong at 14 months. I opened my business back up when Isabelle was about 6 months old, it's going slow, but good. Working from home and handling a baby is tough. Jonah is 9 now and he's doing great. He is accepting his sister much more now and plays with her all the time. He loves to make her laugh.

So yeah, there's my update for the year to anyone still around. :)

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