and lj managed to, once again, foil my attempt to update. which is fine, cause it was kinda depressing anyway.
i don't really have anything interesting to write about now.
gene and i went to the sylvania speech tournament yesterday. i feel SO OLD. it was nice to see people though- our old coach, some people we went to high school with, a couple younger siblings of people we went to high school with.... and it's good to know mooney speech is still coming out on top. i miss speech.
also, i am considering buying a sake set online for like $5-plus-shipping, but i don't have any sake. but it's like $5-plus-shipping. but i don't have any money. but it's like $5-plus-shipping.
oh, conundrum. perhaps after i get paid?
i need a social life. don't get me wrong, i heart my roommates. but they, aside from gene, are the only people i know up here. and i cannot expect them to want to do stuff all the time, especially since we are poor. i mean, there are theatre people also, but i don't really know them all that well, and we only ever do stuff after shows. sometimes.
i am addicted to the following: should check it out.
okay.... i might go play that now.