Strength through awareness

Mar 23, 2009 12:41

This, as usual, is something that I have been dealing with in my persona life or experiencing through other people as of late. One of what I thought was one of my closest friends, someone I thought I would have a life long friendship with informed me that because of things in the past they need to move on with their life without me as any part of it.

My first reaction was the feeling of deep sadness and immense hurt. Here was this person that I feel like I've been through so many things with telling me that they didn't care to have me in their life any more. Mainly because of those things. They wanted to move forward with their life and leave all of their experiences with me in the past. Which, on the surface seems like a positive thing. But dig deeper and it's an easy way not to deal with the emotions that haunt them. Simply put them aside and move on without having to deal with them or putting any effort into understanding why they can't let go of the past or why they can't get past that emotional response.

Of course, as I always say, perception is part of the problem. Soon after the hurt and sadness began to lessen the unbridled anger began to surface. How dare they just turn their back on me after all the times I've been there for them! How dare they take and take all the time and emotion I've poured into being there for them every time they needed me, even though I knew that they would push me aside once they had drained enough of me! How dare they not appreciate the sacrifices I had made in the past for them! How dare they brush me aside because it's easier than dealing with the realities of life! How dare they!!! As is to be expected though, they don't see the past the same way I do, they see mainly guilt leading to pain in our friendship. They see the guilt of coming to me for an emotional bridge when they needed it instead of dealing with the realities of the situations and the pain those times caused us both.

Then came the realization that I should not have expected any thing different. That this reaction has always been the reaction. That if I would have opened my eyes to the big picture this was the inevitable outcome. Me wanting to keep this person in my life and them running away from me as soon as they got close enough to bring all the baggage from the past flooding back into their conscious mind. There are only so many times we can be reminded of our short comings before we either deal with them or try and remove the situations where we are faced with them from our lives.

I don't harbor any anger anymore, I don't feel the sadness any more. I simply look at it as the inevitable outcome of the events that preceded it with the people involved. I chose to see and feel as many aspects of this situation as possible, to immerse myself in those aspects and allow myself to heal as much as I could. Allowing myself to feel everything and to contemplate the meanings of things brought me to the point of being able to see them for the experiences they are and not to assign value or difference to them. To see the experiences as just that, experiences that are perceived as having more power than they should hold for either of us.

So here are two things I took from other places and are re-posting here that deal with these things and give others outlook on them.
Awakening Earth
JamesClairLewis. com
Love for the Earth

~Autumn Moon~

Posted with Love by

From Sadness to Strength

The last thing most of us want to hear or think about

when we are dealing with profound feelings of sadness

is that deep learning can be found in this place.
In the

midst of our pain, we often feel picked on by life, or

overwhelmed by the enormity of some loss, or simply

too exhausted to try and examine the situation.

may feel far too disappointed and angry to look for

anything resembling a bright side to our suffering.

Still, somewhere in our hearts, we know that we will

eventually emerge from the depths into the light of

greater awareness.
Remembering this truth,

no matter how elusive it seems, can help.

The other thing we often would rather not hear when we

are dealing with intense sadness is that the only way

out of it is through it.
Sitting with our sadness takes

the courage to believe that we can bear the pain and

the faith that we will come out the other side.

courage, we can allow ourselves to cycle through the

grieving process with full inner permission to

experience it.
This is a powerful teaching that

sadness has to offer us-the ability to surrender and

the acceptance of change go hand in hand.

Another teaching of sadness is compassion for others

who are in pain, because it is only in feeling our own

pain that we can really understand and allow for

someone else’s.
Sadness is something we all go

through, and we all learn from it and are deepened

by its presence in our lives.
While our own individual

experiences of sadness carry with them unique

lessons, the implications of what we learn are universal.

The wisdom we gain from going through the process

of feeling loss, heartbreak, or deep disappointment

gives us access to the heart of humanity.



*Namaste & Loving Thanks for this go to*

Barbara Moon

forwarded with love

Spirit to Spirit
From: Spirit to Spirit

Two Paths
By Hieu Doan
thepathofpower. net

There are essentially two paths that we may choose from at any time - that of increasing awareness and truth, or that of delaying it. Awareness seeks connection, unity, understanding and truth. Denial and delaying seeks separation, removal and truth.

The path of awareness is the path that finds complete understanding through unity of all that is. Instead of seeking to separate from darkness, evil, hate, anger, negative thoughts and painful emotions, the path of unity seeks to feel through illusions that the mind has created around these. Where the path of denial would attempt to separate the True Self from darkness and negativity, the path of unity brings awareness to ignorance, enlightens the dark, and exposes love in all the places of pain, hate and suffering. The path of separation creates hierarchies of experience, where the mundane cannot be profound and the student cannot be the master. On the other hand the path of unity bridges the gap between the ordinary and the enlightened and the student and the master.

The path of denial and separation understands power because of that separation. It is the perception of relative difference, that would express one experience as higher than another. Yet this difference will cease to exist on the path of unity. There will still be forms, expressions and individuality, but the defining of them as higher or lower will be gone. This occurs because the mind that would experience one thing as better and another thing as worse has learnt to feel and see the truth. The truth is that better or worse, higher or lower is a perception of consciousness that once purified allows us to be free of the need to divide and separate. At this point we see the path of denial and separation for what it truly is. A perfect game that we have created in order to experience the evolution and growth that we were unable to experience when we knew were whole. It is the perfect marriage for growth and experience. To deliberately create a state of forgetfulness knowing full well that memory will pull us to striving, struggling, practicing, growing and working our way to remembering once again.

The meaning in all this growth however needs to be remembered. It needs to be remembered that however perfect the game, however predetermined, that because of the perfection of creating finite consciousness we have the opportunity to move outside the game, through a path that exists within infinity yet has its own control and mastery within this space. Instead of being played by our own game, we become aware of and begin to direct the rules of the game. Meaning becomes something that we are, not something that we search for and we learn to walk between worlds, free and awake.


*Namaste & Loving Thanks for this go to*


forwarded with love

Spirit to Spirit

flames of the dragon

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