I am made up of 80% ridiculousness, 60% procrastination, 10% ineffectiveness, and 55% awesome

May 04, 2008 19:37

So as I'm going through things in preparation for my imminent escape from Sarasota, I came across this Far Side planner which I have held onto throughout the years. It is from high school, and not even my senior year (well, kinda... it's a 2000 planner, so it's half of junior year and half of senior year), but I had kept it all this time because one of several features in the back is an address book, which I had kept updated even through some part of freshman year of college.

Mind you, I dont' think I've actually used said address book since Freshman year of college... maybe on rare occasion, maybe, but I have of course held onto it until now because, well, I'm ridiculous, really (see title).

So I'm going through this thing one last time, and I find the following items tucked in the front pocket:

*A list of four song titles from an imaginary band that my good friend at the time, Zach, and I were in, The Dominatrix Monkeys:
Phospholipid Bilayer
Non-kinetowhore Microtubules
No Moleste Mis Testicles
(In case you were wondering, this was all conceived in AP Bio. Which doesn't explain the third song, but oh, high schoolers....)

*My grading sheet for my two solo vocal pieces from Solo Festival, senior year. (Looking at it again, it struck me as weird that the judge complimented me on my appearance, until I saw that was one of the miscellaneous things we were graded on.)

*A letter for membership in a school club that my aforementioned imaginary band mate had created, KARE--Kenya Aid and Relief Endeaver (the band being imaginary of course, not Zach)

*A rather beat up and faded copy of the scene from Romeo and Juliet that we all had to do freshman year in Drama I. Why I held onto this thing all throughout high school, considering that I don't even like Romeo and Juliet/Shakespeare, I don't know. I think that scene was about the closest thing I ever did to serious acting though.

*An unfinished Senior Will and Testament for the school newspaper, the Pep 'O Plant, scrawled on the back of the first page of a creative writing/class report assignment that I was very, very proud of at the time (do you remember this Dave? The absurdist thing with the Id/Ego/Superego that was a mix of Hard Boiled Wonderland, The Stranger, The Crying of Lot 49 and The Matrix?)

I also found the week in my planner where I wrote down when I was leaving for Boston and when I was getting back.
I decided to save those pages. : )
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