This is something my beautiful friends set up for us, and I am trying to gain support for it, at least by gaining members so Luke feels loved :) As most of you know Luke was diagnosed last Wednesday with aggressive bladder cancer. He's only 33 years old and we're all keeping our fingers crossed that the chemotherapy he is starting this week will help put him on the road to recovery. Friends have started a calendar to bring them home-cooked meals, but we want to do something more. Erin is trying to work throughout all of this to support him and their daughter, but we want to help take off some of the pressure.
The outpouring of love and support has meant so much to both Luke and Erin during this difficult time, and many of you have asked if there are practical ways you can help. During Luke’s treatment, he will be out of work, and Erin will likely miss work too as his primary caretaker. In light of this, the most practical way to help them out right now would be financially, so we have set up a place where you can do that should you want to. There are no set donation amounts, so just give as much as you feel comfortable with and it will go directly to Luke and Erin. Thank you so much, and please feel free to re-post this page absolutely everywhere.
Below is a link to their paypal account in which funds will be directly accessed by them:¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHostedGuest Please repost, thank you.