The problem with Common Core Math...

Sep 28, 2015 00:25

... Is the stupid parents. Parents who never really learned how math works because they are the product of a school system populated by mathphobic teachers.

Since I'm looking at taking on tutoring jobs, I went and read through the actual standards. (They are online and not to daunting a read.) Standard seem clear, well articulated, grounded in good educational psychology and backed up by use in systems in other parts of the world that have been doing a better job of teaching kids than we have.

I have looked at the problems, notation and way of teaching and, again and again, I wish I had learned this way instead. My inability to complete timed arithmetic drills would not have stymied me because the curriculum is focussed on understanding concepts and application rather than how fast you can run the flashcard deck. I spent pretty much my whole childhood thinking I was bad at math, and being told as much.

But I see people complaining... and inevitably it comes down to a two completely fallacious arguments.

1) I don't get it therefore it is wrong.
It's an inverted argument from ignorance. Parents were not taught this way, and despite their ability to handle arithmetic, lack what is called 'mathematical maturity'. This capability is the math version of 'literacy'. I look at the problems and what is being taught and I can understand it. Every other person I've run into with a proper mathematical background does the same.

2) This isn't teaching arithmetic very well.
Mathematics isn't about the ability to quickly compute arithmetic. It is a way of thinking and reasoning. It is a way of engaging the world and solving problems. It is SO MUCH more than being a human four-function calculator. So... the answer is essentially that arithmetic isn't the basis for mathematical understanding. Still don't know all my times tables, and I am pretty damn good at actual math (since I get to be a counterexample.)

The new stuff is so interesting. It uses represeentational notation to teach place value. It has you look at an incorrect solution and find what is wrong with it, which requires you to know more than facts. It is trying to develop 'mathematical maturity' early and make it central to what is being taught.

Stupid parents can go suck rocks.

intellectual pornography, tutoring, rant, cognition

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