Feb 19, 2009 01:28
Which, at the moment, I'm completely certain is a Good Thing.
145 weeks is a long break with no posts... but I've been having difficulty turning to this, look down the barrel of a long silence with something worthy of having taken so long. But I'm feeling particularly bold today. I won't promise to keep up with anything, or even not let another two+ years of silence pass. Then again, maybe I was just letting the world catch up to me.
I looked back on what I had written over the years, political and social comment, rants and raves. I find that I had so very much right about it. The populist/socialist economics, the fact that what we were wanting back in '04 was a vision and that the loss to the fearmongers was due to the lack of one. I certainly would not have called this election back then... not even close. But I was right about what was missing.
It's really hard not to just be in awe of our new president. I'm not like Chris Matthews, that's almost disturbing, but smart, handsome, eloquent and dripping with charisma... and while not exactly my vision of the future, certainly one I could live with. I really couldn't have asked for much more...
Except maybe a pony.
Not really... I mean... where would I keep it?
Hardly a worthy return, but I have the impulse to shout from the rooftops, and this seems a reasonable facsimile.