Watching Over Her

Jan 12, 2007 15:08

 This is in responce to a banner fic at
indigo_crypt that 
tamakin84posted. This only a Prolog, which everyone should reconise from BTVS. But in my defence i have written the first chapter (but in pen) but i'm not feeling well so i thought i'd just post what i had typed, as well as the summary so you all know whats happening!

it's not much but i hope you like...(trust me the next chapter is alot longer and more interesting!)

Title: Watching Over Her

Rating: NC17 over all but not this snippet

Summary: After the events of Chosen spike is accidentally sucked into a hell dimension along with all the uber-vamps he put there. When he is finally freed he discovers that the PTB have one more task for him before he can finally rest. He is to look after the slayer and her child, ensuring the fate of earth and all dimensions attached to it. But there is a catch, Buffy can never know that he is alive, and Spike is condemned to watch her and protect her from afar once more.

Disclaimer: Joss is the ruler of the Buffy universe, blar blar blar…

Watching Over Her


He felt the earth tremble and groan beneath his feet. A feeling of completion washed over him as his eyes took in the scene before him. The place was coming down, the uber-vamps were dusting and the girls were running for the exit. Well if that don’t beat all, he thought, they were gunna win. A look of wonder passed over his features as wave after wave of brilliant light radiated from the amulet, from him. He could feel his end near and for the first time in decades he was at peace, content to wait out his fate.

But then he felt her and saw her tears. She damned him with her words, whispered “I love you” robbing him of his contentment. For now he wanted to live, top bask in her love and cherish it. Fate bloody well be damned he thought. But then his surroundings came back into focus and he now it was never to be, they’d never make it out alive. He found himself saying the words that saved her and damned him.

When she left he looked around again, well at leave the Big Bad’s going out with a bang, he snorted, a bloody big bang at that. A smirk crossed his features as he felt himself disintegrate and turn to ash.


TBC in…

Watching Over Her Part 2

spuffy, banner fics, watching over her

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