(no subject)

Dec 20, 2006 12:01

i think i'm going to write some smutty goodness for christmas to take my mind of actual christmas activaties. Dark Power is special to me being my baby and all so i don't want to rush it (even if its only me reading it, i just don't want to screw it up) so i'm know working on a spike / dawn tale set in season 6 , after buffy comes back from the dead and dawn is having all her "issues", it'll be AU from there onwards. I garantee lots of spike / dawn smuty good ness , its the holidays after all.

hopefully it'll all finish in one post or i'll post the seriers on the same day because i hate WIP, even though i'm writting one(...raises eyebrow at herself), so it can be one yummy christmas present for all who want it!
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