(no subject)

May 31, 2006 11:31

News is much better in Italian, I've decided.

Car crash in Switzerland? Not nearly so interesting as "Svizzera, frana causa 2 morti e blocca San Gottardo". They're so nonchalant about it all. "Oh, yeah, you know that car accident that killed two people? Yeah, that one. In Switzerland." And then they go on to talk about how they can't identify the people because, oh yeah, the car was completely destroyed in a fire that broke out afterwards.* Fire? Eh, shit happens. Merda succede. They find it so damn uninteresting! *hugs* So that's how I'm going to get all my news now. Especially as I'm so annoyed with the American media lately.

Maybe it's an irrelevant petpeeve but watching all these news programs and reading all the articles about




are really getting on my nerves. It's not that they're reporting on the deaths and the bombings. Yes, by all means. Please. We need to know what shit we've entangled ourselves with. We need to know about these people, about our people, about all people. But you know what? That wasn't the only thing that happened today. Why that bombing? Why report on that ONE, those TWO? Because it was in Baghdad? Because there was a reporter, a camera nearby?

Because you know what? There were another 117 bombings today. 117. What about those? Why aren't you reporting on one of those? Why aren't you saying that the bomb you've reported is just one of hundreds this week? Of tens of thousands this month? There are 5 bombs every HOUR. And yet, by the way it's presented, you'd think the 1, or 2, or 3 we hear about are the only ones. That those 27 were the only ones injured today. Well, guess what. They weren't. There were people injured and killed and losing limbs in another 117 today, that we know about. There could be another 100 on top of that. And yet...

"A parked car packed with explosives hit a police patrol in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul on Wednesday, killing at least five policemen and wounding 14, including a senior officer, as violence continued unabated after one of the bloodiest days in recent weeks."**

One attack doesn't sum it up. One attack doesn't begin to explain the destruction.

"Not including the most recent attacks, at least 4,066 Iraqis have been killed in war-related violence so far in 2006, according to Associated Press reports - which may not be complete because the reporting process does not cover the entire country."**

May not be complete? Of course it's not fucking complete, because we can't even count the number of explosions happening every 12 minutes!! We haven't the slightest clue how many are being killed in villages, in the countryside, in any place outside these few well-known cities. I'd be surprised if the actual number is less than double that.

But how appropriate. "The reporting process does not cover the entire country." How bloody fucking accurate.

*"La polizia svizzera dice che le due vittime viaggiavano su un'auto immatricolata in Germania, ma che non è stato ancora possibile identificarle perché l'auto è andata completamente distrutta e ha successivamente preso fuoco." Quoted from Reuters Italia, courtesy of Google News. http://today.reuters.it/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=topNews&storyID=2006-05-31T123150Z_01_DIG143951_RTRIDST_0_OITTP-SAN-GOTTARDO.XML

**Quoted from the CBS News online article, "Bomb After Bomb in Iraq." http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/05/31/iraq/main1670684.shtml

At work. Slightly bored. Waiting for lunchtime. Brought a leftover sandwich from Panera with me- it's been sitting in the fridge at home since Saturday, but I'm still hopeful it'll be good. Because those sandwiches are fucking AMAZING.

Trying to book my flight to Denver for July. Looks like JetBlue will be the cheapest. Any advice? Talked to Michael last night. Feeling pretty useless- he's renovating practically his entire apartment, and what he's not renovating, he's cleaning. And I'm... doing nothing. So I've been guilted into trying to clean up my room, which is a disaster. Finally finished unpacking, though, and got rid of the 50-some-odd books sitting on my floor. Next task is to get rid of my stuffed animal collection. Not really get rid of them- couldn't do that *horrified*- but get them out of my room, at least. I think I'm going to haul them over to my father's, because he'd probably like having them around. More than my mother, anyway, who I think is ready to torch them ^__~ I'm just sick of having them underfoot and always in the way. So going to try and get rid of them this evening, and then I can start clearing out the floor space. Ultimate goal is to repaint the walls, which still have a very distasteful mural-type-thing on them from when my friends and I painted it when I was 12... needless to say, it needs to go. And I need to get rid of some stuff to open up wall space, because there are another 75 books or so that need a home in my room. Requires another bookcase, too. Wish we had ikea around here.

Enough babbling. Will post again when I have something vaguely interesting to post about. Grad school, maybe? I've been doing research. And discovered that I don't want to go anywhere except the Courtauld Institute, which I had guessed, but now it's confirmed. Which is not cool, as I don't really want to put all my eggs in that basket with no other options. Conveniently, it's listed as the school with the top History of Art program in the UK. Hehe. Nothing less than the top...


pet peeves, random musings, political musings

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