Nov 08, 2005 15:53
I'm in my new place with Aron and Jeremy. It's beautiful and huge and incredibly *zen*. I absolutely love it here. Aron and I have the whole upstairs to ourselves. The downstairs is filled with plants and interesting "artifact" type objects.
The cats seem to be getting along well enough. Soon they will be good friends.
I'm thinking of taking up belly dancing. I've been really interested in middle-eastern culture as of late.
I'm still a vegetarian and I've been learning how to eat properly while on such a diet. Lots of leafy green things and pasta. Yum.
Aron and I have been doing well aside from learning how to readjust around each other now that he doesn't live with his friends. It's difficult, but I think we'll make it through. He told me he wants to "make a life with me." That makes me feel happy and secure, as well as healthy.
I've been having trouble sleeping for more than four hours straight. This makes me irritable at times, and it's not easy to like me when I'm feeling as such.
Aron's birthday is coming soon. I'm not sure of what to give him. Any general "guys like these things" suggestions you could give me would be soooooooo very appreciated.
I started working a second job at the Cedar Lee Movie Theatre. It's an indie theatre from the 20's, and it's mucho fun so far, except for shitty pay. I went to see George Clooney's newest film last night. It's called Good Night, and Good Luck. It was an amazing take on America's obsession with the misuse of television. Go see it. You'll feel renewed.
I'm coming back to NJ for a week on the 21st of this month. If any of you would like to get together, call me, or leave me a message here. If you need my phone number, email me.
I miss Renee.
I miss Ashley.
I miss Lukas.
I miss James.
I miss Marcia.
I miss Lestat.
I can't wait to see all of you.
It will be more fun than eight bitches on a bitch boat.
Bye for now lovies.