Hellooooo, I'm Marianne, from Maryland USA. Southern MD fan of BC to be specific!
First, I started watching the anime On Demand and I found it just too cool! Once it's up and running again I'll be watching the next few episodes! (Seen the first 10 episodes so far!) The manga I love just as much. I've read up to chapter 11 on that so far.
Train, Eve, and Sven are easily my top 3 faves! Creed and Jenos are awesome too. :D
Soon I should be able to put up my small batch of icons (mostly from the anime, and 2 manga ones) to share. I really should update my icon journal sometime! I even did a Train AIM icon!
Oh, I also got a Train Heartnet character LJ (
a_catlike_guy). I should really make him put up a first entry, but he's so lazy to. XD I'll make sure he doesn't fall asleep while typing either. Feel free to check it whenever. *cackles* Pretty soon I'll be makin' a Sven, then an Eve one for my open ended writing community;
i_wanna_rp_now &
i_wanna_rpscene Might do a Creed too, but I'm still thinking about that. ^^; (Hey, it's cool for multiple versions of the same character to join. There's really no taken list on this mult-fandom thingy!)
Anywhoo, I'll see you guys around!
EDIT: My Sven one's all set up now. :D