May 04, 2007 11:02
Okay…I know I haven’t updated in a while…but I’m updating now in order to put off doing other more important things. Like scripting…which I hate doing…not good for a film writer at all…I just hate re-writing things for the fifteenth-millionth time. I should be working on Catastrophe Bird in every spare moment but right now I just don’t feel like it.
I re-wrote the episode guide the other day, and it’s now like four or five episodes longer. Unfortunately the over all plot for the whole series is still a little-okay a lot sketchy. At the same time I don’t want to make it too complicated. I’m also stuck on a stupid detail that could feasibly destroy the entire series if I don’t figure it out. That and I don’t even want to touch the second season until I’ve had the time to sit down and actually hammer out what happens in the ‘movie’ with Daniel…(My co-developer for the series)
I’m not even going to think about pitching this until I’ve got all of the little crap dealt with.
Plus I’ve got a crapload of fanfiction that I want to get finished at some point…yea right
Maybe I should just go do what I’m supposed to be right now…
catastrophe bird