This year's anime con was pretty amazing. I was pretty pleased as I always am. However, it was not the best in comparison to last yr for these reasons:
1. Not too many games in the video game room.
2. Less things to buy in the Dealer's Room aka the Shopping Room.
3. Too many long lines to play some of the most boring and mainstream video games. For example: Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Ugh!
4. The rave Saturday night was blah compared to last yr's raves & Friday's rave.
5. The closing ceremony AMV contest was way too short and the ceremony didn't really end so well.
Overall, I still enjoyed the con nonetheless, like i usually do every year. I enjoyed everyone's cosplays this yr so much that I have taken a few shots of a few of my favorite characters from different animes and/or video games. I have also taken a video of me glowsticking at one of the raves, which was Friday night. Don't worry, this was from the rave that was all the fun lol. I had fantastic time that night. I like danced to the point where my feet were killin me for like 2-3 days. That's how i know i was satisfied with any rave. I also cosplayed this yr. I was Tifa Lockheart from Final Fantasy's Advent Children for one of the days of the con. I bought many cute things & pics were taken of me by different ppl so I felt pretty good about my looks all weekend. Also, a few ppl have met me in person from Myspace, Facebook, and/or YouTube, as well as xMariePierrex from YouTube at the rave. In conclusion, Anime Boston 2010 was great.
I wore this Friday.
My Tifa Lockheart cosplay. Worn on Saturday.
Worn on Saturday night.
Fran from Final Fantasy 12
Sakura from Street Fighter
Aerith from FF. *Note: I guess her Aerith cosplay was suppose to be when she was stabbed & killed by Sephiroth. ^-^
Yoko from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Yoko with a pistol.
Yoko with her known sniper rifle.
Me & Jared. He's cosplay as Tosen from Bleach w/o the braids & shades lol. Sadly, he left his sunglasses back in RI during the con. But i love this pic of him & i.
Our full body shot.
Afro Samurai cosplay. Funny how this guy was a close friend to Jared also lol.
Another version of Dark Magican male & female from Yu-Gi-Oh.
Soul Eater cosplay. Can't remember the character's name. Ugh!! But i do remember that this character was the shit in the series.
...This was totally Jared's idea lol. I like the way this turned out tho.
Pokemon: Flaffy
Here's the footage of me glowsticking at the rave:
Click to view