(no subject)

May 04, 2011 22:12

Criminal Minds

OMG SoccerDad Hotch! There is not enough *squee* in the world to express how this makes me feel inside. !!!!!!! :)

Profiling the body -- makes me happy to see this. Probably 'cause Reid is just... being Reid, giving his report. The doctor's reactions are cracking me up. It never occurred to him to translate the information he was aware of in that fashion.

Profiling the text messages -- makes me happy. Probably because of Hotch catching something that would have been easy to miss, by paying attention to the details while trying to develop a timeline of what happened. Competence makes me happy.

Bloodhound finding the skull -- Talbot is getting framed. I figured. Talbot was just too easy. This guy does his homework.

Uh oh -- big chase scene coming up.

"I have a plan. That we will be together forever." This guy's psychosis isn't tracking that well for me. He's grabbing girls, profiles as a sexual sadist, but the girls he is snagging are stand-ins for his dead daughter, for whom he "has a plan. To be together forever." So which is it? Incestous sadist or psycho dad who wants to be with his little girl forever and just can't let go/accept her death?

Is there a way to be both? I'm not fully following the profile. Hopefully we'll get more explanation when the guy gets caught. If.

Ah, stepfather obsessed with the girl whose mother got her away. Yikes, that was a sobering statement to hear Garcia make: that's why most mothers with girls don't remarry -- because they worry about the safety of their girls. I wonder how bound in statistics that is.

*busts out laughing*

Sorry, I just... Hotching shooting the guy underwater with the perfect headshot while he's swimming to the resue -- I think Hotch is Da Bomb, but that was just too over the top. I laughed. Still, okay, a Big Damn Hero Moment. ... LOL. I just typoed Big Hamm Hero moment... hello, Freud?

Talbot with the pictures... and a PeepingTom Perv graduates to the next level? I knew he wasn't the unsub pretty much from the get-go because he was too obvious, but there was always something still a little *wrong* about him. That picture of the close-up of the girl's eye that he was showing his class -- I wondered if that was a closeup of one of the vics. Now I'm wondering even more.

AHHH, Hotch roping Rossi into being SoccerUncle as an Assistant Coach! LMAO!!!! It makes me SO HAPPY to see that the people who made a promise to stand by Hotch and Jack after losing Haley are keeping their promise. OMG these two are going to be the terror of the league -- that focus on getting their kids to play for wins... HEE!!! *GLEE*

criminal minds

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