Nov 12, 2004 23:08
So, I lost my wallet like a week ago. Main things I lost that I need are my driver's license and my debit card. I was sorta hoping it'd turn up, but it hasn't, so today I went in to my bank, and ordered a new card, and they gave me a website to go to where I could get a new license. Well, I went, and I couldn't get it cause of some speeding ticket in New Mexico I didn't pay from like a year and a half ago or something...
So I'm gonna spend Monday at the MVD it looks like. Lamesauce. And who knows? Maybe I'll get arrested or something. That would bite. And I still need to do last year's taxes... I'm about 3 months late with those. Yep, I'm going to jail. But probably I'll be allowed those conjugal(sp?) visits. :D
And oh yeah, work blew ass tonight. I went in 90 minutes early cause I <3 money, but that turned my 6.5 hour shift into an 8 hour shift, which blew major anus. And my managers were sorta douches tonight and this one customer was a complete ass. I'm not used to having customers taht bad. Angry is one thing... I can handle angry. But ones that treat me as less than a person bother me a lot. It's not like I was forcing myself on him, or even trying to sell anything. I was just greeting him, making sure everything was ok, and he was a dick about it. Maybe he was having a bad day. Maybe he'd been to 4 other appliance stores that day and had been smothered by salespeople who actually get paid what they deserve for their jobs and care about selling things more than I do, I don't know. That doesn't make it ok for him to demean me like that. People like that make me want to quit my job. Just imagine what would happen if all the customer service people quit... all those dumb people and old people and lazy people would actually have to find stuff for themselves, and research stuff themselves, and omg, they might even have to take it off the shelf. Fucking ungrateful assholes.
Wheee, I feel better now.^^