Jan 13, 2007 19:06
Hulloie! Tis me!
I just got in from work after a gruelling 9 hours shift (actually I only did 8 hrs 15 mins cos I got let off early). My evil flatmate's girlfriend has just left for work. At least I think she's left, she didn't say goodbye. She's left the TV on though - what a twat! I won't venture out into the rest of the flat for a few minutes. It's not cos I'm scared of her, she just intimidates me and I feel like she's watching my every move. Annoyingly she's moved her night shift to an evening shift so she does 8pm-11.45pm. This sucks cos Saturday nights are usually our movie and booze-up nights. I told Rob to get a really good horror so she's probably gunna moan at the choice of film when she comes back. Plus she's already called us a pair of alcoholics. Pffft! Whatever! I don't get up in the morning and reach for a bottle of whiskey or go to bed drunk as a skunk. I just get a bit drunk. And it's not nightly, it's once a freakin' week!
Anyway, enough ranting. I got some good news at work yesterday. My stupid-ass manager is leaving and going to another store and we're gunna get our cool assistant manager back. My favourite maneger is taking over temporarily, maybe even permanently if they pay him extra, so I'm really pleased about that. Plus our new assistant manager (who I call Henry High-Trousers ((even though his name's not Henry, it's Ian)) cos he wears his over-sized trouser around his middle!) is leaving too. Woot!
I've decided to only update once or twice a week cos A) hardly anyone reads or comments on the entries so I don't see why I should bother; and B) I don't have a very interesting life so I don't have a great deal to write.
I'm gunna go snoop around the flat and get some dinner. Will update in a next week.
Oh, oh, nearly forgot to say I saw this kid at work today that was the splitting image of a young Gary Sinise! Rock on!