(no subject)

May 02, 2011 09:12

I'm not going to get into whether or not he's dead, how he died if he is dead, or whether or not his being dead is a good thing.
I'm not going to write about how this is somehow the biggest story in the country today, or note the fact that Yahoo has changed its front page layout so that this is almost entirely the only story you can read today. Nor will I talk about presidential campaigns, information engineering, propaganda or any of the rest of that tripe. You're all reasonably intelligent adults- you can see the ramifications.

I just want to note that if bin Laden had been killed shortly after the towers went down, it would have been a strong statement from the US; You fuck with us, and we will take you down.

The longer he lived, the less effective this message becomes; You fuck with us and in a decade or so, we'll get lucky and blow you up. In the meantime, you get to do what you want, live in a luxurious million-dollar compound in a resort town, and be a hero to your cause.

Sure, it could be worse; You fuck with us, and you may die of old age, debauched and pampered with your own private doctor, and surrounded by your loved ones.

Kind of lacks that deterrent impact, doesn't it?

So, if you're out there throwing parties or dancing in the street because we finally killed the bastard, just remember that if Bush hadn't walked away from this job a year and a half after the towers, we wouldn't be submitting to being groped and nuked at the airport today.

Although, I guess if there's a precedent of people walking away from the responsibilities they pursued so vigorously, Palin's really not that bad a choice, is she?

That's right- I just compared Bush to Palin. Unfavorably.