read this to the bottom great things happen

Oct 30, 2005 17:46

this was prolly one of the greatest weekends. too many good things. friday me and my friends went to the gym and the parade, (it is our homecoming) we decided at the last minute to buy tickets for powwow where dave attel and carlos mencia were performing. we bought it the day of and expected to get terrible seats we got lucky as hell cause randomly seats right next to the stage opened up and we got them for the same price as the really high seats. we went to the show and carlos mencia was insanelyh ridiculously funny, i couldnst stop laughing, my head hurt from laughing so much. i got so many favorite quotes from that. also at the show there was this guy dressed up as king from the burger king commercials and dave attel was talkin to him for like 5 min he will come into play later on in this magical tale of wonder.but dave atell was alright mencia destroyed the shit out of after that show we were all amazed and we go to parties. our asian friend dan who dresses kinna skater style doesnt have a costume so we go to my house to creat some random ass magical shit. we put him up in al this hood looking clothes which looks crazy on him cause its so big. and his costume is a gangster asian who still finds time to study, basically he had the g clothes and a random ass fur hat the one that comes down to the sides and covers your ears and then for ice we tied a notebook on a shoelace and he wore that. it actually had notes in it too. hence gangster asian with time to study. and for extra randomness we gave him a razor scooter to ride around on at the parties. then my other friend jason dressed up as tyrone biggums the crackhead from chappelle show it was completely perfect it was some clothes we bought at goodwill and i gave him a hoodie and a bag of flour to carry around and he smeared it all over his lips and shit and would randomly take it out at the parties and use more. he stayed in character the whole night and even did the dance and everything ppl were freakin out. we go into mcdonalds at 4 in the mornin and its all black people and hes like oh imma be a hit in here i can tell. and as soon as he walks in ppl are goin crazy and a group of ppl give him chicken strips. i went out there dressed as quail man. the next day was the game and of course i had to go in costume to the game. so i went as a ninja. i was goin crazy and doin the big money ninja dance everywhere and when the marching band started there march to the stadium i flipped out and did this charge up pose like i was gathering energy and did the ninja run straight into the band and started ninja running back and forth inside the lines while they were playing and marching. then i started harlem shaking all the while i was screaming random japanese and spanish words at them. i also danced on top of my friends car for alil while in this costume. and at the game the most ridiculous and amazing thing happpend. hopefully you all know about the burger king commercial in which the king comesout to the field and runs and takes the football and they play that amazing song. at the game the band was playing that song and when they finished it was like a time out or something. and THE KING RAN OUT ONTO THE FIELD IN FULL COSTUME. it was perfect he ran the whole length of the field and security chased him but he actually got away. the whole stadium was freaking out.then we had a party at my friends house and many great things happened there ridiculous things which i will nto mention. including ninja vs nightwolf from mortal kombat dance battle.
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