May 27, 2004 23:21
K so Last day of school. Went to the cat hollow park show. Love First Year French, then wanna go camping w/ eli and jenna but place closes at 1030. Fucking bullshit, so i get angry and decide that i dont wanna. I live in front of a forest so wanna go campin back there. Nope. ANNNND i also wanna go to the carnival in from of RMP RaceWay. No.
Get invited to a lake house w/ derek, steele, ryan. Me Jessi, Eli, Jenna, Brooke ready. Find out it's Aaron's Aunts place and shes in New York.(whoop) Get there and jaw drops and "DAAAMMMNNN" this place is fuckin nice. Drinks, Food, Coffee, Decks, Systems, Rooms....nice place. Party Party Party. brooke is still up at 6am drinking. phone rings, brooke's runnin around, tellin people. CLEANING LADY WALKS IN. Ahh panic everyone runs to the cars. Eli's...and sleepppp...
7:32 Aaron's mom shows up at my door. standing from the top of the stairs. "FUUUUUUUUUCKKKK" Mrs. Aarons mom: Thats a $40,000 house blah blah, may press charges, kids had no permission, wine coolers everywhere, i dont think differently of kristina...Me: Dude, Aaron gave us that key adn told us how to get there. *blank stare* Dad: i want a list of everyone that was there. Me: K.
.........ahhh Computer gone, cant be out past dark(9?10?) And thats about it. Good luck to all that were with me.
Thanks bye.
*Even if I said " I wouldn't ever leave you"
-you wouldn't believe me, but that's ok-
Because I know that I wouldn't