A couple more pages to go. I'm pushing as much as I can to get this done before the month's end.
I just realized my dreamhost account payment is due next month. I'm keeping a close eye on my budget right now since I recently invested on a laptop. I swear these 2-year payment things just sneak up on you at the worst possible times.
I'm open for commissions if anyone's interested. I've gone full digital due to time constraints with projects so I won't be charging as much. It'll be good challenge for me too, I've been pushing myself and my art style to its limits since I know I can do better.
A gigantic goal of mine in the next year is to save enough, quit my job and pursue SkullgirlS full time. Honestly, I'm very afraid of undertaking a decision like that. Living off your savings, pushing pennies and eating ramen for months doesn't sound like a good idea, but I've already visualized the end result of the game and I have absolute faith that SkullgirlS will be a hit.
For now, its crunch time.
If your interested on commissions feel free to contact me at blackbookalpha[AT]gmail.com.
Challenge me so that I'll update this blog more often hahaha!