'Sakuracon 2009 Report'

Apr 13, 2009 11:29

Sakuracon '09 is finally over.

Limbs are still aching and suitcases still remain unpacked. Its always a fruitful experience meeting new people and making art for them. As we resume our daily routines, we ponder about our adventures and fleeting moments before embarking back into our mundane life.

That's what I think anyway, I'm sure a lot of people miss the convention atmosphere, on both sides of the spectrum.

Overall it was a blast. Made some new friends, drew some pretty adorable and unusual requests, and almost vomited witnessing the snow-colored, cellulite-ridden valley of an extremely large Sailor Moon cosplayer.

I sold out 3 of my poster prints and made a pretty decent amount :D Its minuscule in quantity compared to what my alley partner Mala makes but I'm more than satisfied with my earnings. Most of the prints were just leftovers from last year and I didn't really stress out that much worrying about restocking supplies.

I didn't really explore the convention that much aside from the dealer's room, which thankfully relocated next to the artist's alley alongside registration. From an art vendor's perspective, that's equal to finding the promised land and basking yourself in milk and honey produced by docile, giant mutant cowbees.

Anyway enough talk. Many thanks to those who stopped by :D I'm still undecided if I'm going next year since tables are in high demand. If I recall correctly, I heard the staff saying that all the tables sold out in under 32 seconds after reservations were announced online. I just got lucky since my partner won the mascot contest this year and our table was free :)

Also, I'd like to apologize for picture sizes in some of the photos. Photobucket's max width/height is only 800 pixels and it won't let me exceed that number on my taller shots.

Mala preparing before con time.

Prepwork and Peeps.

Hello Mr. Maury.

Dylan Meconis' drawing on my sketchbook :D I wouldn't let her leave the train until she drew something :D

You think I'd ignore that infamous line? This one guy wore a Girugamesh shirt in homage to this year's advertisement and constant thread spamming on 4chan.


Compensation I say.

People waiting at the registration area.

Psychedelic :D

Ganon the Registration Guardian.

Best typo ever! Say my first name three times as fast as you can and it'll turn out into a terrorist battlecry.

Oh yeah btw, Jesus sat next to us at the alley. What could be more badass than that? He had to peacebond his cross later at the con due to protocol. People forgot that crosses were used as an execution device back in ancient times.

Mala was looking for a head-dress for her gothic lolita kimono outfit at this costume shop. I had my eyes on something else while she was browsing.

Fuck Yeah Jesus!

Outside the convention waiting for Crepes.

Gothic Loli goodness.

Our stash and Jesus' peacebonded cross.

Fellow artists Rich and Kevin doing their own thing.

Kevin behind his wall of posters. All is posters featured Bleach characters and he was selling these things like hotcakes :) Good job man :D

I love you Rick Astley!


Probably the most unusual cosplay pair I've ever seen. Ariel from The Little Mermaid in a wheelchair and Kazuya Mishima from Tekken.

I found this group of girls drawing Team Fortress 2 sketches. Adorable :D

Hope you enjoyed the pics ;D Until next time :D


Oh yeah Mala shot this nice video of me. If only she didn't tilt the camera lol.

Jeebus I haven't done that in a while. First Alpha video footage on the interwebs. Someone remix this thing on After Effects or something with some Daft Punk music.


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