Writer's Block: Go Get 'Em?

Mar 06, 2008 18:15


IT'S A RANT, YO. Because I'm high and because I can. 8D

And totally, completely and irresponsibly as well as plagiaristically (a MADE-UP adj form of plagiarism) this was ripped off LiveJournal, lol. :3

Okay, seriously.


"Are you a go-getter or do you let things happen to you?"


What the heck? Seriously, there is actually no reply to that. The term go-getter is pressed upon, assuming you jump at the chance for things to happen, however, there is actually no need for this term, as we are all go-getters, except that the chance for us to be 'go-getting' by our own will is not taken by us all the time. Only by certain principles of standards and the circumstances as well as the time we are in affect what happens.

For example, at 5:00 in the morning, would you be up and about for volleyball tryouts? NO, I say, NO! It is all about time, circumstance and what we choose to do, as well as our personality and how that strikes us different from others who are 'go-getting' or 'going with the flow.'

People grow up in different settings, as well as in different eras, or times, differing from traditional, modern or to self-created ways. These factors can influence many of the things we do, however, in the end, we are all FORCED to do it.

By our PARENTS, our FRIENDS, and LIFE. Yes, LIFE. Because LIFE is nothing but a no good essence on our part, pounding against us to live, live LIVE, when it's said that Life is nothing more than a waiting room for Death itself. Why do we hate life? While I may be seeming to be veering away from the actual topic of being a go-getter or not, our entire outlook on life affects many of the things we do.

By the courses of actions we take and the thoughts we register into our minds, as well as the way we were brought up and the things we were taught and that we shared, a lot of things can influence the actual moments that you become this 'go getter' self of yours.

Your mood, your personality, the people around you, your peers, your teachers, your parents, your relatives and even the people on the streets can make a difference between you being a go-getter one moment and a simple person who does or preforms or thinks about anything that just happens to come along.

Now in my opinion, there are good times and bad times to become go-getters and go with the flow people, because this is life. The unexpected can be expected to happen, as well as the most inconceivable things in our journey through being adolescents in this increasingly big world of modern technology, cliches, stereotypes and the etcetera..

Go Get 'Em?

Seriously, what kind of pep talk is that?

What do you mean by 'go and get'? Seriously, life is all like, WHAM! Hit you in the eye, don't move before I stab you repeatedly with unpredictable and unreasonable objects that will label your DESTINY.

Destiny? Fate?

HELLO, have I heard that before?

Dammit, Neji, get OUT, get OUT!

Our lives are decided by what we choose to do, and whether or not we choose to 'go get'? That's more than stupid, it's more than idiotic, it's LAME! The lamest thing to have crawled out of the lamest plothole of the lame, worm-filled lame universe!

You cannot 'BECOME' a go getter all your life. Circumstances and things that happen as well as current or future or past events may affect what your judgment brings to you at that point in life. And a question for all those still reading.

Can you go back and 'get' that moment? Once you make a decision, you just leave it at that. By choosing to 'go get' something, you're jumping into the inevitable, something you don't even know about that might lead you to having one foot in the grave, my good friend. But by choosing to go with the flow, you might miss unexpected opportunities to gain or receive knowledge and things that you might have not otherwise.

I want to rant a lot more.

But I'm an idiot, see, and still haven't done my homework.

So, I deliriously request that if you have read all this and your brain isn't spinning (if it is, READ IT AGAIN, WUSS (after all i TYPED it)), here's a conclusion.

You can't 'BE' a go getter, nor can you be someone who just let things happen to you. Because it's clinically impossible for that 'label' to be true all throughout your life and the aging process. You learn some, you win some, you lose some, you forget some, it's LIFE. You can 'be' them for a few moments, but that's only possible if it's already happened and you've already done it, so that you can fully say that you have done it and can look back upon it and label it as an action of a go getter or not.

Rants are fun. 8D I dare you to do one. Go on, I dare ya.

To end this off, let's all have the 8D face!

That's right!










See the difference? Googely eyed 8D is so much fun, and that fun adds to the fact that this rant finishes off on a note that is entirely unrelated to the actual topic itself.


Have you milked YOUR cow today?

(totally ripped off my cousin)


I ripped this off my posting on bebo, before ripping it off again to post on this. And for some reason, I can't use the LJ cut...?

writer's block, go-getter?

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