Taiwan anchors China
America anchors Japan
France anchors England
Although I guess this doesn't make much sense if you don't share the idea I do that China and Taiwan have a very strained relationship
Anyway, if anyone wants to read--This is rough and unedited
“Big brother.”
This was the first time that Taiwan fear they might lose seemed to be close to an actual reality. Up until now, the mission’s had gone well. Taiwan played to win, and her cunning had aided China as a pilot. Not to mention the good fortune that had befallen all of them, with celebrations afterwards where America would declare ‘I am the hero’ and France would engulf his pilot England into a huge hug which England would shrug off. Taiwan would sit, with her hand placed on Japan’s knee, eternally grateful that she’d have him by her side for one more night.
This time things had gone terribly wrong. She’d lost control; the world had changed, warped into a bloodstained battle, and then it was all gone, hearing and seeing nothing but static. Where had she gone wrong? Taiwan hit her chair hard, full of ange and fear. How could she?
She was going to lose China.
True, things hadn’t always great between them. Most days, it was a miracle if they could get through without a fight. Still, those times remained, when she was small, and he’d been the perfect big brother, reading to her, playing with her, and comforting her when something had reduced Taiwan to tears.
“What’s going on here?” Ancient Rome’s voice thundered. “America. France. Taiwan. Are any of you able to contact your pilots?”
Taiwan began to shake. This was it.
“Big brother? Are you there? Big brother?”
A few more moments of static. Tears started to build up in Taiwan’s eyes. She couldn’t give up. Not here. Not now. The fate of the rest of the world hung in balance. She wanted them to be all okay. Belgium with her generous cooking. Hungry’s giggly gossiping before she went and proceeded to show the boys that she was just a strong as they were. Ukraine’s sweet and gentle personality coupled by Belarus, cold yet strangely entertaining. Seychelles sunny disposition. Lichtenstein’s innocent laughter. Her close friend Vietnam. Them and so many many more… She wanted there to more time spent with the girls, time spent with all the countries she had ignored before. But if she couldn’t do that right now, she wanted to help build a future where it was possible. For them, not for her, drove her will to not fail. Above all though, was the fact she would not let her older brother die.
“Big brother!”
“T-taiwan?” China’s voice was faintly heard.
Taiwan began to cry harder, relief to hear his voice.
“Yes little sister?”
“Remember a few days ago when you said I should slow down with Japan? And I said I hated you and wanted you out of my life?”
“Of course.” China’s voice was tense
“ I said it wrong. I meant to say, that even if we don’t always see eye to eye, that I love you.”
“I see.”
Things were starting to flicker back into focus, showing a grassy battlefield before flickering out.
“And I’m glad you’re my big brother.”
“As am I. And when I get back, I'm going to give you a hug if it means you'll stop crying”
The image stopped flickering and turned into a solid image. The dream was under her control once again.
Btw, expect a new fandom bliss stage meme soon. :3