If we believe the rumors, Inter will have about 12 new players by the end of the day. While the window will probably close with very little happening, I thought I'd put up one post in which all the things that become official can be compiled. I'll try to keep it updated, but if/when I slack, feel free to drop any official announcements in the comments, too.
Mancini to Milan on loan with an
option for co-ownership.
They'll pay his massive salary, and he won't even have to move house!
•Not confirmed by either club yet but about 99% sure, based on media reports: McDonald Mariga from Parma on a co-ownership deal
rumored to be worth about €5 million, possibly including half of Jonathan Biabiany (already there on loan) going the other way.
Mariga is official, with Parma acting on their option of coownership on Biabiany, and taking Little Luis on loan.