(no subject)

May 06, 2009 17:08

Wow..what am I doing back here at Hogwarts? And..eek..my clothes seem to have shrunk! I haven't been this thin since I was a teenager! Great...I'm going to have to see if I can borrow something not so tight..ugh! or short! Thank goodness I can cover up a bit with the robe.
I sure don't miss the castles shenanigans that's for sure...thank goodness it's my day off. I don't think Madame Puddifoot would appreciate me being late...

(ooc: Sooo..Crona finally has boobs and a real haircut. XD! She kinda looks like this now:

(really pretty but totally doesn't realize it or think so!)
I don't really ever see her doing anything huge and important so I gave her MY dream job..working at a nice quiet tea shop and enjoying the company of nice people. ^_^ It seems to suit her quiet personality.)

i haz boobs!, event, all grown up

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