Sep 30, 2004 12:42
one night i slept for too many invisable hours
corrupted visions produce a reality which could not be evacuated
specific random neighbors ask for unexcusable favors
but the opposite request comes true after all
i turn on the light to see my figment waiting
father assisted theft from real estate nightmares
proved to be a trecherous but uplifting illusion
rust stained walls bleed around turquoise remains
nontangible contents dissappear upon disapointing realization
while uninteligable speech patterns degenerate without reason
it's always too late to set the clock back when the clocks don't match
chaste lovers dissaprove of their envious ways
without consequence trivial events have opposite meaning
self advancement never consists of anonamously deflating people with exposed secrets
paranoids know way too much
don't fuck with us