(no subject)

Jun 11, 2008 23:03

Well, I have taken a picture of something today hoping to share it with you all, and now I realized I have left my camera cable at my parents' house while house sitting a week or two ago. *sigh* So I can't put the pictures to my computer and you'll have to wait a bit longer to see it. 
Getting curious yet? *grins*

I saw a gorgeous cellphone today and I wanna have it *grabby hands* but my current cellphone is not broken and it's just a little over two years old and I promised myself I wouldn't become one of these people who buy new cellphones every year. I had my first cellphone for over four years before it finally broke down. So yeah. I'll probably just wait a bit longer. But it was sooooo pretty! *whines*

AND...after three months, I finally, FINALLY, have a version of Photoshop ready to be installed on my computer again! Yay! I'm going to install it in a minute, so here's to hoping it works.

I'm in the middle of having exams of my two language courses I'm following, French and Swedish. French is pretty advanced, since I've had to learn it since I was 10 years old (Belgium is bilingual (French & Flemish) - we even have a third official language, German, but that's only a very small part). Anyway, I had my French exam yesterday and it went well, but now I still have to read a book for my oral exam next week. Why am I always procrastinating until the last minute? I just got the book today from the library *facepalm* And I've known for a whole year that I would have to read it.  And I only have two more days left to study for my Swedish exam aaaarrrgghhhhhh!

Ok, that was pretty random. 
Oh, and did I tell you I hate hiatus? I miss Sam & Dean. When's it September already?


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