Some general Supernatural ramblings...

Jan 16, 2008 09:07

Supernatural is taking over my life, I swear.

Yesterday I was at the train station, and while I was waiting in the main hall (I was 20 minutes too early for my train), a mother with her two children goes to buy a ticket. The two boys, one with short hair and one with slightly longer hair, are waiting 5 feet away for their mother to return, and they're holding each others hands so they don't lose one another.  When they're mother returns they let go of each others hand for a minute, but then they start walking towards the trains and one boy holds out his hand again for the other to take.
Along with thinking "awwwww" the only other thought in my head was "Sam&Dean, Sam&Dean, Sam&Dean, Sam&Dean".  Seriously, is that crazy? Sam&Dean are suddenly everywhere, it seems (mostly in my head though).

The other day I also had a dream about J2. No kidding. I never dream about that kind of stuff, but somehow it happened now. I don't remember much of the details, but there was this general dream sequence of Jared being sick and lying on a couch or a bed, and Jensen just practically climbed on top of him to hug him. :o
I promised myself I would one day write a fic about that, but I'm not much of a fanfic writer, it seems. I started that fic some time ago, and still I haven't written anything more than 3 sentences. Yeah, that sucks. But who knows, I might finish it one day.

Oh yeah, and living in Europe when it comes to SPN sucks. Well, most of the time anyway. Yesterday I tried to order the 2008 Supernatural Calendar and a SPN poster from, so I first e-mail this lady who has both of those items on sale (she's from Creation Entertainment) if she ships to Europe and Belgium in particular, and the answer is  yes, but she's not responsible for delivery time and possible damages for such a long distance. Okay, I can live with that. So then I proceed to actually order the things, and at check-out I get this message "sorry, there's a problem with your order. We cannot ship to your selected destination, blah blah blah." Grrrrr...I was so angry. I want my calendar and poster!!!! *whines*
Luckily, the people at 
asylum_conassured me that there's a dealer's room at the con with lots and lots of merchandise to buy, so yay! I only have to start saving like, right now, because I know myself, and I'm going to spend sooooooo much money at the con!
Speaking of Asylum, me and
nemo_88 are going to be roommates!! Yay, I'm very excited about that!

Oh, and off-topic, I just spilled correction fluid (known as tipp-ex here in Europe, though I read it's called "white-out" or "liquid paper" in the US)  all over my hands (don't ask). And now I can't get it off. Any ideas on how to not make my hands look like I just painted the ceiling?

Edit : YAY!! Thank you
ckll  for commenting and telling me about the Creation Entertainment website. I ordered directly from there and IT WORKED!!!

rl, ramblings, thoughts, supernatural

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