Disappointed again!

May 21, 2008 00:02

I just watched the finale episode of Bones and I am in complete and utter shock. And it's so much worse than the SPN finale, because what they did? Unforgivable. I'm not happy about it at all!

I'd hoped it would be Sweets. That would've made sense. But Zach? Gormaggon's apprentice? I mean, come ON! I admit that no one saw this coming and people are saying it takes real guts for the show to be going there with one of its main characters, but for the first time since ever I was very disappointed in a Bones episode. 
First of all, the Booth death fake? So not what it could have been. I needed way more Brennan angst over that.  I needed scenes of Brennan sitting at Booth's bedside in the hospital.  It was just...I don't know.

I'm still in tears over Zach. I loved Zach and especially his interaction with Hodgins. I mean, this is all gone now? They better not replace him 'cause no one can take Zach's place. Is the actor leaving the show for good? Man, it totally and utterly sucks. I'm so angry now for some reason. I never wanted the apprentice to be one of them. Maybe someone they knew well, but not them. Aaaargggghhhh!

I don't know. The whole episode  and this storyline just left me with a bad feeling, is all. I wonder if it would have ended the same way without the writer's strike. Ugh. Now the only finale I got left this week is Ugly Betty's. Let's hope that's one that will not break my heart in a thousand pieces.

bones, rant

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