Asylum report (Saturday) with pictures and videos

May 12, 2008 01:57

God, it's like almost 3am here and I should so be in bed, but I started this report and now I have to finish it. The worst thing is waiting for all the videos to finish uploading on Youtube. It took such a long time! But here goes.

Firstly, OMG you guys!!! First row again today baby, woohoo!! :)

I will post a report about today (Sunday) too, because awesome things happened again, but I want to write like a whole report on Saturday first so I'll get started on that now. Sadly my roomie

nemo_88  has gone back to London with her friends 
nyaubaby  and 
causette  (who I also met, I was like : OMG I use your icons and mood great to put a face with the names!) so I'm alone in my room and I hope I can type out a whole report tonight with goes!

We got up early because we weren't sure how this thing was going to go. The day before we had been discussing the panels and we were like "oh, I hope we're at least in the first half part of the room". OMG, and then suddenly the doors opened and I was on the first row! I had never thought I'd be that lucky!

I have taken a few notes on each panel, but I will link back later to posts of

nemo_88  because she wrote like everything down. She must have a whole transcript of the con or something and I think she will write it out in her LJ. I didn't have photo ops or autographs on Saturday so I was able to watch all the panels from the first to the last minute.
Starting with



* Sterling cried a little bit when he received the script and found out he would be turned into a vampire in Supernatural, 'cause he knows his character Gordon hates them so much.

* When asked about pranks, Sterling said that Jensen and Jared do funny things to each other. :P Jim said : "not that kind of funny". You've probably heard about the pics the boys find of each other when they were young and having photoshoots and they post them all over the set. Jim talks about the prank Jared pulled on him with Jared twisting his toes when they were shooting DALDOM. I have a video of this! Sorry for the almost can't see Sterling's face at all. :(

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* Sterling's favourite scene is in Bloodlust when he puts the knife down on the table and Gordon and Dean are ready to fight.

* Supernatural is the most testosterone-infused set in Canada according to Sterling.

* Sterling said he might come back as Gordon because he's "like a worm". They pop his head off and it grows right back.

* Sterling believes in the supernatural. He's not frightened by it, but encouraged.


* Jim said Jensen cried the whole time during the shooting of the season's finale - and not on camera.

* He was putting his sunglasses on 'David Caruso-style', and one glass actually fell out! LOL!!

* His favourite scene was in AHBL2 with him and Dean, when Dean admits to having only a year to live.

* He calles Jensen and Jared the JJ's. The boys are always goofing till the last millisecond.

* When asked about what happened to Bobby's dog, he answered that Bobby ate his dog - with mustard.

* If he would get to choose his own storyline on SPN, it would involve a hot tub.

* The cap he had on was sent to him by a fan, and it read "rocking the head".

* DALDOM fed his ego, which is huge and voracious according to Jim.

* When he looks at himself in the show, he's thinking that he looks handsome in the lighting. Then he looks in the mirror and he's like "what happened to the lighting?" :)

* Bobby's a hoot to play.

* He has had tentative offers to do a play in Edinborough.

* Doing cons is the spookiest thing happening to him right now.

* Jim and Sterling were asked what they thought would happen with Dean and his deal. Here's their answer :

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* They were also talking about Jared, lol.

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* She came straight from the airport and said she had been wearing the same underwear for two days.

* Shooting with Chad is a total hoot. Lots of times she just couldn't hold it together anymore.

* When asked if she was a Sam/Jared or Dean/Jensen girl, she answered this :

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* She worked as a radio announcer, a weather girl, and worked at a record label before she got into acting.

* Her favourite thing about SPN is that she's the only chick on set. Plus it's a good set. Jensen and Jared are close and the boys are also really professional.

* She has read fanfiction and thinks the fans are really creative. About some things she read her reaction was, "wow, I really didn't need to read that. "

* Two hot looking guys and a good script is always going to work! :)

* When asked about the possibility of Bobby and Ellen getting together, here's what she answered :

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* Jared is ALWAYS doing practical jokes, for example food fights, etc.

* If she has to choose between pirates or ninja's, it would be pirates because Johnny Depp is pretty hot.

* She doesn't want Ellen to become a demon on the show if she came back.

* She thinks the best part of herself are her boobs. The best part of Ellen is that she is very loyal and she would die for every one of them.

* She would love to play Courtney Love because it's so emotional and she could do a lot of crying. She thinks crying on set is like some sort of therapy.

* Samantha has a really good connection with Jensen. They listen to the same kind of music, and they can finish each other's sentences.


* Chad was originally supposed to be a drunk psychic on the show, a Jack Sparrow kind of character,  but they changed that.

* He was wearing a dark maroon nail polish, he did his nails himself that morning, LOL!

* When he was on The X-Files, he thought David Duchovny was great and had a dry sense of humour.

* He re-enacted the "all business up front, party in the back" bit, and I have video.

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* His Ash hair was clipped on, it wasn't his real hair.

* Was Ash really naked when he opened the door to Sam and Dean?

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* He didn't know Dean was in trouble in the show 'cause he's not really watching it.

* He wanted to become a police officer like his dad at first.

* He talked about pranks too.  Apparently he makes a lot of Brokeback Mountain jokes with the boys.

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* He has four tattoos and is showing them in this video. I didn't get the first one on video, but it is a cancer ribbon on his arm. He also has a Chinese character for courage (which is totally not true 'cause I can read Chinese and it looks really weird), a scorpio (woohoo, zodiac like me) and a raindrop.

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* In his spare time, Chad likes to hug his dog.

* He didn't like the writer's strike, he just wants to work. He was like "can we just work and shut up?".

* He's done a documentary called "My big break". It's about four actors and one director living together in a house. Three of the actors get famous while one doesn't, and the director realizes he has material for a movie right under his nose. It's about the reality of the Hollywood business.

* If he could choose one actor to portray him, it would be Ryan Gossling...or maybe Samuel Jackson.

* Is he better friends with Jared or Jensen?  He really didn't understand the question at first, lol. We had to repeat it like ten times before he got it.

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* Would Ash hook up with Sam or Dean?

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I just have to say, I think just about everyone fell in love with Travis at the con. I wasn't really excited that he was going to be there at first, I was like, "oh well, ok"...but he came on that stage and we were laughing the WHOLE TIME. He's very energetic and bouncy and sooooooo cute!! <3

* There are talks with Kripke about doing Ghostfacers webisodes.

* He's really happy he didn't die in Supernatural.

* If he would be a superhero, he would be Batman. Batman doesn't have superpowers but he's really badass.

* If he could have a superpower, he'd like to fly.

* Who's funnier, Ed & Harry or Sam & Dean?

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* His reaction to reading the Ghostfacers script was "holy crap, I'm on every page." Plus he liked that he got to make out in that episode.

* If he could be any woman, who would he be?

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* How did he find his inner geek and what would his action figure look like?

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* He did the ghostfacers song! Awesome!

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* If he would get an oscar for his performance as Harry, what would his acceptance speech be like? He pretended an empty glass was his Oscar.

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* There was apparently a spider "flying around" on stage. Travis claimed it got into his eye.

* He identifies with Dean the most.

* Does he have any strange obsessions?

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They were really sweet and nobody asked them weird or nasty questions, thank god.

* They hope there will be a spin-off with Ruby and Bela.

* Are they and Jensen and Jared good friends?

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* If they could make out with any of the SPN cast, who would they make out with?

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* They originally auditioned for each other's role.

* Would they hook up with Sam or Dean ?

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* Most embarrasing moments. For Lauren it was falling down of a crate. She was doing a line and messed it up, and she was going to sit down and stand up to do her line again, but they had pulled the crate away and she fell down on her butt.  For Katie her most embarrasing moment is Jared always making fun of the way she walks. He imitates her by doing large steps, kinda bowlegged, lmao.

* Katie has a "joint custody dog" which she shares with a friend. I think she said his name was Maddex.

* Lauren was asked how many times she screwed up the wet dream scene with Sam in DALDOM on purpose ;)

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* They did a yoga class together and they were so annoyed because the teacher kept on singing during the class. They also go shopping together when they're in Vancouver.

* They were asked if they ran into any real bears in Vancouver. I think it was Katie who said that Jared was the big bear there.

* How did the cast and crew react to them joining the show?

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* Katie sat in the same room with Steven Spielberg one time, and she about "pissed her pants".

* Lauren had a really big crush on Michael Bolton when she was a kid. She was actually at a concert and apparently he pulled her up and invited her on stage to sing a song with him when she was still a little girl. I don't remember if she said how old she was then.


AJ was scheduled to appear on Saturday afternoon, but he came straight from the CSI:NY set and only got to Birmingham in the evening, so we didn't have a seperate panel with AJ. We got him and Travis together though on Sunday and these guys are so funny together. More about that in the Sunday report.

And then we still have Jason and Steve that night, but this will have to wait until tomorrow in a separate post because I'm SOOOO tired right now and I have to go to bed. 
If you want to repost anything, just link back and give credit, that's all I ask. :)

convention, youtube, video, asylum, pictures

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