My thoughts on SPN 3.14 Long Distance Call

May 02, 2008 15:51

Grrrr....what was WITH the downloads today? I hear from people all over my flist that torrents and download links were later than usual. I had the same problem...I got up at 8am and there was nothing. At 9am one of my regular sources has the links up, so I download them, and the file turned out to be "corrupt". Downloaded it again because you know, maybe I did something wrong, but noooooo...still can't open the file. And then I had to wait until 11am before I finally could start watching Supernatural by doing a google search for links, for heavens sake. I don't like waiting so long if it comes to SPN! I need my links immediately! *sniff*


I like the view of the square in the beginning.

Also, we immediately get a scene of the brothers argueing and Dean telling Sam about what Ruby said to him. It was probably Sam's final shred of hope that he saw flying out the window, but I'm glad they're starting to finally tell the truth and not keep secrets from each other anymore. They need to work together if they want to break Dean's deal and not against each other. Reminds me of something Mulder said to Scully in the very first X-Files episode I ever saw, Elegy. I don't remember the exact quote off the top of my head, but it was something about "by hiding the truth, you're working against me". I think that's true for the Winchesters also. They need to stick together in this.

Dean : "Is that ?"

Lmao, the return of the porn site! I actually looked up the site...(what? I like porn *cough*) and it redirects to the website of Warner Bros. That is just brilliant!

Oh my, who's tingly now when Dean takes control like that? And look how proud he was of it, too! ^_^

Not to be all shallow here, but I thought Sam looked smoking hot with his cheap suit and his rental.

Dean getting a call from his father. oh man. The look on his face!

Dean : "What if it really is him? What happens if he calls back? What do I say?"
Sam : "hello?"

Ah hahahahaha, oh Sammy!

So, where have we seen the outside of this motel room before? Mystery Spot, anyone? Check the view outside the door.

^^ from Long Distance Call

^^ from Mystery Spot. I noticed it right away! :)

Loved his eyebrows when Sammy said 'you're kidding, right?' about the Edison's spirit phone.

It's heartbreaking to see just how much Dean wants to believe. Just sitting there, waiting from that phone call from dad. He's so unbelievably desperate to get out of this deal. It's all too good to be true that dad knows a way out for both him and Sam.

I liked Laynie. So I was hoping and praying that she wouldn't be killed off like they did Corbett last week. I was actually biting my nails at the 'chat with her mom' scene. I was almost certain she was going to die, or kill herself. Thank god they didn't! :)

"Don't get too excited Sammy. You might pull something." Didn't Dean say the exact same thing in Children Shouldn't Play with Dead things?

"A couple of civvies are freaked out by some ghosts". Wow, it was weird hearing Dean say that. Because in the beginning of the episode he's anxious to go hunt the thing, but now he makes it sound like he doesn't care about the people because he's so consumed by what dad told him and finding the demon that holds its contract. It used to be the other way around, I remember Sammy wanting to find dad and leaving the "civvies" behind as they were hunting the wendigo in season 1.

And then Sam begging him not to go anywhere until he gets back. You just KNOW Dean is so going somewhere on his own.

Sam : "It's a crocotta."
Dean : "What's that, a sandwich?" 
Dean and food. No wonder Sam believed he was talking to Dean on the phone!

But it was obvious it wasn't...Dean was too willing to believe what Sam said! "that makes sense". I mean, that's not like Dean at all to just accept it after he's been giving Sam all that trouble about it. So yeah, I figured there was something going on there...

Poor Sammy, once again he's the one who gets tied up and taken captive by the bad guy.

"You'd be surprised just how much of yourself is just floating out there", and "you're all so connected, but you've never been so alone". Somehow I can't help but hear every quote now in the context of Dean's deal coming up and wonder if these are hints about that deal...if his "connection" with Sam is something that will keep him out of hell, or save him from it once he's there. I don't know. Man, I'm already starting to be afraid for the finale airing in two weeks!

Dean : "I didn't kill your daughter."
"Then what are you doing here?"
Dean : "I don't know. "

Dean realizes it's been a set-up, and it probably wasn't dad all along. Oh, Dean. The look on his face breaks my heart in a thousand pieces. He probably knew deep down inside of him that it wasn't his father all along, but he just kept hoping.

And then he finally admits to Sam that he's really, really scared.  We had the "I don't want to go to hell" line in DaLDoM, and Sam wanting Dean to admit that he's scared in Fresh Blood, but now he actually says it.

And the "do you want a poem" "the moment's over" line? So typical of them. Still making fun even though DEAN IS GOING TO HELL, PEOPLE! I am really, REALLY afraid of the finale. The brother angst we saw now will be nothing compared to the one in the finale (hopefully, in some twisted way I want to torture myself all summer I guess).

So, better episode than Ghostfacers, even though that one wasn't bad either, but at least we had some real deal talk in this it's time to do something about it. Bring on next week!

I also watched the new episode of Ugly Betty and the Daniel/Betty shipper in me got all excited.

It was hilarious enough that Daniel thought Betty had a crush on him, but in the last scene of the episode, he's looking over at Betty and Henry and OMG! Could it be that he has feelings for Betty? I mean with all the "I need you, Betty" and the hugs, and now saying "I love you", it's so totally obvious! 
And also, I'm getting tired of Henry and the baby, blah blah blah. I actually like Gio, I wish he and Betty would get together first (yes, even though I ship Daniel/Betty).

review, supernatural, episode : spn, long distance call, screencaps, pictures

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