First of all: the weather was rather unpleasant but as I said in most of the postcards I've sent: it could've been worse. There was a light shower on Wednesday night and it was mostly grey. Thursday was fantastic as we woke up to a blue sky with a few clouds and sunshine.
Bath is beautiful. Cosy little town in a valley surrounded by 7 hills.
Aerial view of Bath
You can see all the houses look similar with their beige-ish brown colour, and the cobble-stone streets and little sweet shops (not sweet-shops
) and ah it's just lovely there.
We went to the oldest house in Bath which was used as a bakery by Sally Lunn who made the famous buns in the 17th century. They turned it into a tea house.
When you get the bill it is attached to a "We would like to hear your feedback" form which I obviously filled in. Twice. The first thing we did after arriving in Bath is to go for lunch (we weren't able to check in anyway as it was too early) and we ended up in Sally Lunn's. The food was ok..bby's sandwich (Sally Lunn bun with chicken, bacon and cheese) was fantastic. Mine (SL bun with cream cheese and salmon) was rather boring and dry. The interior does not live up to the special historicness this house possesses: cheap looking tables with cheap looking red and yellow table cloths and cheap looking china. I recommended white table cloths, a few flowers and nicer china (chintz like) to make it look as special as it is. Probably won't happen. Phew.
We went back the next day for Cornish tea. O.M.G it was soooo good. Scones, jam and clotted cream. Yummay. And we had 5 cups of tea each or so. Yummay.
Other food we had included Cafe du globe (Moroccan International cuisine) and Strada (Italian) both really nice. We mainly just walked around Bath taking photos. We visited the roman bath on Wednesday evening after they turned the flames/lights on which gives it a nice glow. Apart from that we didn't do much. We intended to go to the SPA but it was so expensive that we relocated the whole thing to our hotel tub on Wednesday night.
We checked out on Thursday and went to Salisbury because we thought it'd be really nice there and we had seen the painting by Constable and wanted to check it out ourselves. Well...we arrived and parked in a big car park just minutes away from the centre. It all looked dull, grey, horrible and modern. The centre itself was lovely and old and tiny. The cathedral was big and stunning. Then we left. We were there for about an hour...maybe even less. It was just nothing there to make us to stay longer. Because we had payed £4 for 5 hours we sort of sat in the car to make up for the unused rest. We got the laptop out and transferred two CDs onto it and then onto the iPod. We also tried to decide what to do next/where to go next. An hour or so later the decision was made and we headed towards Bournemouth.
I.Love.It Bournemouth we never saw except for the ringroad and even that looked good (normally buildings along the ringroads look rubbish and dirty and it's mostly packed with ugly factories or shops or I dunnowhat but there it was just pleasant to look at. We went down to Sandbanks to catch the little
ferry to Swanage. I almost burst with excitement. The sun was out in Bournemouth, the sea glistened in it and everything just felt like summer holiday. AWWWW.
When we entered Swanage I cried a little. It was so beautiful, so summery and so british I didn't want to leave. Ever.
We parked in a short stay carpark (£2=2 hours) and searched for some food. We ended up having a sandwich each and then Tea again..this time wasn't as good as Sally Lunn's though. We then got the car (over 30mins left on the clock) and re-located to the long-stay carpark on the other side. We paid £6 for 4 hours and went for a walk (about 3-4 miles) along the coast. It was beautiful, empty, sunny and we had a row. No surprises then ey? Hehe. I won the 'argument' (there was a little road which I wanted to walk back on because I just KNEW it went back or at least past the Visitors Centre but Mr I-Know-It-All decided against it and we had to walk all the way back. At another point there were to paths and we took his...only to walk up a steep hill and to be met with my path which was half the length and less steep. Anyway: I told you so!
And then we went back home. Tada. Now we're sitting here, looking at pictures and typing the short summary of events so that you know what we're up to and in a minute we're gonna have tea
Goodbye. Photos on Flickr as soon as they're up.