Awwwww... *sigh*.... I cried a bit. What a beautiful and tragic film. What a great pick of cast (speaking mainly about Keira and James here...Briony was certainly a well presented character but due to her being utterly evil (in my opinion) and also the fact that I don't know the actresses playing her I can't really judge. )
Apparently they got a few dates and facts wrong (Research!'s all about the detail. You pay someone to do the historical research and what do they come up with? Nonsense. Not impressive!)
Every now and then I found myself if a maze of words and actions that I couldn't quite follow but it all sorted itself out in the end which was good.
The music to the film was absolutely beautiful. I'm so gonna go and get the Soundtrack!
Favourite scenes: 'Come back to me', 'It was the wrong version..', beach shots...
And finally the verdict: 8/10 and I'm going to read the book next.