Jan 03, 2005 20:04
assignment #1: make a piece that the viewer watches from a fixed point of veiw: a peice for an audience. show the work for about fiveminutes: you can use this ammount of time as wither an arbitray element of an ongoing or continuous work, or you can make a work that lasts for about five minutes (e.g., a performance.) Some exampes of a work that changes in front of the veiwer aerr: performance art, visual theater, mechanical or kinetic sculpture, film or video installation, anythign with ephemeral or changing elements. The work is due the next week. This assignment can be a "sketch" for a more completed project or a finished work in itself. One of the first three assignments will be expanded to the final project, but you don't have to decide until week four.
i am one of three remaining freshman left in time-based art. there was one more of us but she started crying after the professor told us details about the class and has dropped time-based art. my friends are taking oil painting or drawing. HA. oy...